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Abomination.. Wtf?!

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Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
Abomination.. - Alpha problem

So i am working on a abomination skin, please note that this is in a VERY WIP-stage atm and therefore pretty blurry, mono and .. yeah.. mostly terribad :p

Anyways, i alphae'd out parts of the both arms, the weapons and the third arm that's on his shoulder or w/e, but when i look at it in W3V, he looks like this:


Does anyone have any idea why this occur?
Is there any way to fix this? Because if not, it kinda ruins the idea of the skin :p
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Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
You can set it on the entire model. It works for other normally un-alphable models like the Warden, morphed Demon hunter etc.

To alpha out it with triggers:

Create a new trigger in which you create an action, select Animation - Change Unit Vertex Colouring, then set the transparency to 0.1%.

Awesome, thank's to you both!
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