this is my trigger for that spell (sry im using a german we)
i testet it buy creating an special effect on the both positions and it worked but now the dummys don't cast the waves can someone help me pls?
Edit: okay i got it with help of friend can be closed
- Einheit - A unit Startet den Effekt einer Fähigkeit
- (Ability being cast) Gleich (==) Dreifachklinge lvl5
- Einheit - Create 1 Dummy for Spieler 2 (Blau) at (Position of Berserker 0010 <gen>) facing Vorgabe für Gebäude-Ausrichtung (270.0) degrees
- Set BersiDummy1 = (Last created unit)
- Einheit - Add Dreifachklinge dummy to BersiDummy1
- Einheit - Set level of Dreifachklinge dummy for BersiDummy1 to (Level of Dreifachklinge lvl5 for Berserker 0010 <gen>)
- Einheit - Create 1 Dummy for Spieler 2 (Blau) at (Position of Berserker 0010 <gen>) facing Vorgabe für Gebäude-Ausrichtung (270.0) degrees
- Set BersiDummy2 = (Last created unit)
- Einheit - Add Dreifachklinge dummy to BersiDummy2
- Einheit - Set level of Dreifachklinge dummy for BersiDummy2 to (Level of Dreifachklinge lvl5 for Berserker 0010 <gen>)
- Animation - Change BersiDummy1's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 100.00% transparency
- Animation - Change BersiDummy2's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 100.00% transparency
- Einheit - Order BersiDummy1 to Orc-Tauren-Häuptling - 'Schockwelle' ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by ((Facing of Berserker 0010 <gen>) + 25.00) towards ((Facing of Berserker 0010 <gen>) + 25.00) degrees)
- Einheit - Order BersiDummy1 to Orc-Tauren-Häuptling - 'Schockwelle' ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by ((Facing of Berserker 0010 <gen>) - 25.00) towards ((Facing of Berserker 0010 <gen>) - 25.00) degrees)
- Wait 5.00 seconds
- Einheit - Remove BersiDummy1 from the game
- Einheit - Remove BersiDummy2 from the game
i testet it buy creating an special effect on the both positions and it worked but now the dummys don't cast the waves can someone help me pls?
Edit: okay i got it with help of friend can be closed
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