library MoveUnitFacingLib initializer init requires Table
//this is the aproximation this system will use, if you set to 0 it is the most
//precice it can be, I think 16 should be fine
private constant real aproximation = 16
//order of the move command
private constant integer order_move = 851986
//set this to w/e you want
//it will flush the command for unit in case it cannot access the point in
//"this number" times
//be aware that the checking happens once every 0.1 seconds, so this is for 2.5 second
private constant integer tofailtries = 25
private Table uToMove
private Table toface
private Table toWait
private Table point
private Table unitCoords
This is debug feature, remove it if you dont want it
But it shouldnt matter anyway cause its debug only feature
static if DEBUG_MODE then
private struct ddata extends array
static Table tries
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set tries = Table.create()
private function IsAprox takes real a, real b returns boolean
return a <= (b + aproximation) or a >= (b + aproximation)
private function UpdateFacing takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer i = GetHandleId(t)
call SetUnitFacing(uToMove.unit[i], toface.real[i])
call DestroyTimer(t)
set t = null
private function IsMoving takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer i = GetHandleId(t)
local unit u = uToMove.unit[i]
local real ux = GetUnitX(u)
local real uy = GetUnitY(u)
local integer newi = 0
//last unit x/y
local real lux = unitCoords.real[i]
local real luy = unitCoords.real[-i]
//if the distance from current units position is different then it was before:
//btw, this is a lot faster then square rooting those numbers
if ux*ux + uy*uy == lux*lux + luy*luy then
//if the unit is near the position it should be:
if IsAprox(ux, point.real[i]) and IsAprox(uy, point.real[-i]) then
call PauseTimer(t)
call DestroyTimer(t)
set t = CreateTimer()
set newi = GetHandleId(t)
set toface.real[newi] = toface.real[i]
set uToMove.unit[newi] = uToMove.unit[i]
call TimerStart(t, toWait.real[i], false, function UpdateFacing)
else //if not, issue the unit to move further
//debug safety:
//if the unit is unable to get to the point in certain number of tries, it will
//destroy this stuff
static if DEBUG_MODE then
set ddata.tries[i] = ddata.tries[i] + 1
if ddata.tries[i] >= tofailtries then
call PauseTimer(t)
call DestroyTimer(t)
//didnt test this, but It should work well
//unless there is unit already standing there, in which there is debug safety
//which will destroy the timers etc after certain time(above, its debug safety actually)
//in case you are using debug mode, this will prevent the unit to move the location
//another time if the timer is already destroyed(from above in the debug_mode peace of code)
debug if t != null then
call IssuePointOrderById(u, order_move, point.real[i], point.real[-i])
debug endif
else //if not
//update the units positions
set unitCoords.real[i] = ux
set unitCoords.real[-i] = uy
set t = null
set u = null
function MoveUnitWaitFacing takes unit tomove, real locx, real locy, real facing, real wait returns nothing
local timer t
local integer i
if tomove != null then
set t = CreateTimer()
set i = GetHandleId(t)
call IssuePointOrderById(tomove, order_move, locx, locy)
set toface.real[i] = facing
set uToMove.unit[i] = tomove
set toWait.real[i] = wait
set point.real[i] = locx
//I have test it, it should work
set point.real[-i] = locy
set ddata.tries[i] = 0
//units current coordinates
set unitCoords.real[i] = GetUnitX(tomove)
set unitCoords.real[-i] = GetUnitY(tomove)
//we are going to check every 0.1 seconds, dont want it ot be too heavy and
//it should give unit enough time when it comes to pathing blocker to realize
//there is some other way around
call TimerStart(t, 0.1, true, function IsMoving)
set t = null
//remove this if you are not testing it
private function test takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u1 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', -100, -100, 0)
local unit u2 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', -200, -100, 0)
local unit u3 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', -300, -100, 0)
local unit u4 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', -400, -100, 0)
call MoveUnitWaitFacing(u1, -100, GetUnitY(u1) + 100, 270., 1)
call MoveUnitWaitFacing(u2, -200, GetUnitY(u2) + 100, 270., 1)
call MoveUnitWaitFacing(u3, -300, GetUnitY(u3) + 100, 270., 1)
call MoveUnitWaitFacing(u4, -400, GetUnitY(u4) + 100, 270., 1)
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set uToMove = Table.create()
set toface = Table.create()
set toWait = Table.create()
set point = Table.create()
set unitCoords = Table.create()
//also remove this call
call test()