Good Day ! is there a way to find if a model has been succesfully loaded ingame.
one solution would be to ask the player to select that unit/building and if the model is not visible he would not be able to select it, so if he select it that makes an event occur (player selects a unit).
but what i'm seeking is an automatic way to do that, note that none visible units/structs can be selected via triggers (add unit to player selection)
so is there a way to find if a model has been loaded ingame (just as the WE showing "model not loaded"
one solution would be to ask the player to select that unit/building and if the model is not visible he would not be able to select it, so if he select it that makes an event occur (player selects a unit).
but what i'm seeking is an automatic way to do that, note that none visible units/structs can be selected via triggers (add unit to player selection)
so is there a way to find if a model has been loaded ingame (just as the WE showing "model not loaded"