A slight amendment to the resource moderation process

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For the most part, in fact about 99% of the time, I'm against recolors and CnP, but I've seen a few cases where they've been done well. Moderators used to make exceptions in certain situations, but after recolors were allowed for a week, and then disallowed again, the rules became yet more strict, and even the most useful icons which are very well recolored, and still contain some freehand, but only in necessary areas in order to preserve the look of an important part of the icon, are disapproved of.

An example would be this: [thread=225129]BTNLightningShockwave[/thread]. I'm not complaining about 13lackdeath's judgement or anything; he's just doing his job as a moderator, and he cannot approve anything with less than 50% freehand. Unfortunately, in this particular case, the axe is 60% of the icon, and recoloring the axe would ruin the purpose of the icon, as the whole point of the icon was for it to be the same caster, only with a different element, or at least that's what I assume Praytic was going for when he made it.

Anyway, now that I've brought up the issue, I have a suggestion on how situations like these could be better dealt with. I propose that resources, when not meeting freehand requirements, be voted on by moderators to determine whether or not it can be approved. In this particular case, 13lackdeath has already contacted other moderators to decide whether or not to approve the above mentioned resource; he's doing a good job of handling that situation. I would simply prefer that such be the standard procedure.

I myself still want to keep most recolors/CnP's out of the resource section, so I believe that such a voting process should require a 99% consensus (all but one vote yes) or even a 100% consensus, to be approved. A simple majority would make it too easy for recolors to sift through, and I don't want them to be approved very often; only in situations where they are extremely useful to many people.
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Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
I completely agree with eveything that was said above. This would surely mean more icons which are easier to do but at the same time contain some freehand.

I am against 100% recolors, 0% freehand with both my hands, but an icon as the one linked above which has about 30% freehand, but is extremely useful should be approved.

In addition, this will allow people who are beginners and can't yet draw, but have some skills with tools to submit useful resources which aren't 100% recolor but contain some freehand. This subject should be taken under consideration.
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