?and it appears as these huge ugly squares with the star texture on them. Whats wrong?
Use the filters (setting is under the texture field). BLEND will alpha out any parts marked as "transparent" just like the "transparent" filter, however blend and transparent are very different. Or you can use ADDITIVE to "alpha" out any black parts. ADD ALPHA will NOT work the same way. MODULATE will do the opposite, that is, alpha out white parts.
Experience with different filters to understand exactly how they work.
?is there any way to make particles fade when their life span has expired rather than having them dissapear instantly?
What Happy said is false. There are 3 segments (the little parts where you choose color and alpha, etc...). Make the last one have 0 alpha, and it will fade. This is because the texture starts out at segment one, then goes gradually to segment two, then gradually to segment three.
There is a "time" setting. This is the percentage of time it takes for a particle to go from segment one to segment two. Setting it to 0.5 makes the particle go from each segment in equal time. 0.9 for example makes the texture go slowly from segment one to segment two, but very quickly to segment three. And vice versa for a setting like 0.1.
Again, experiment a little.
?how can I move my particle emitter?
Edit the node. There are two edit buttons. one is for the emmiter setting's, the other is for the node/emitter's placement.
trust me, I know Magos' more than I know my pocket.