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A Lost Crown - Campaign Concept

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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
A Lost Crown:
Concept:After the scarlet onslaught left the scarlet forces left in lordaeron to its own fate, the army of High General Galvar Pureblood got slaughtered by the scourge’s forces. But Pureblood himself and a few of his elite guards managed to retreat to Hearthglen. With the scarlet monastery laid in ruins by adventurers and Saiden Dathroan killed by heroes of the Horde and the Alliance leaving the scarlet bastion to be overrun by the scourge, Hearthglen is now the last bastion of hope for the left-behind scarlet forces. Arthas have laid siege to Tyr’s Hand a second time, and with no room for reinforcements, the city is certain to fall. The forsaken are in the meantime on the move to inflict Hearthglen with the Royal Apothecary’s newly invented plague. Amongst the scarlet forces left in Hearthglen, a new leader has risen, Grimolv son of Menag.
Galvar’s Army being slaughtered:
Footman: They are pulling through!
Captain: Fall Back! Fall Back!
Footman: Arrrgh! (Slaughtered by an abomination)
Another Footman: Death Knights!
Captain: Galvar, you must make haste! Retreat to Hearthglen! We’ll draw their fire!
Galvar: You are brave Cpt. Lorrek… Arrgh (hit by an arrow)
Soldiers: *Battle Cry*
Cpt. Lorrek: ONWARDS! FOR GLORY! Unnngh! (Killed by a Death Knight)
On the Road to Hearthglen:
Galvar: *groans* I… I think I can… Pull through… *faints*
Knight: Open the Gates! Open the Gates!
Guard: Galvar is hurt! Quickly, Open the Gates!
*Gate Opens*
Knight: Find a Healer! Quickly!
Guard: Yes Sir! *runs towards the town hall*
*Healer Arrives, Along with a Captain and the guard*
Captain Anna: Milord, are you alright?
Galvar: I’ll pull through…
Healer: He will, the arrow has pierced his shoulder, it barely missed the lung. But he’s a strong man, he’ll survive.
Captain Anna: For a moment I thought we had lost him.
*Grimolv arrives*
Grimolv: I heard you’ve arrived milord. I knew you’d survive… but… you are so few!
Knight: We got slaughtered by the scourge‘s armies. Poor Cap’n Lorrek, he bravely stood his ground so that Galvar could escape, I just hope he didn’t die in vain.
Grimolv: Aye, we should honor his memory, but I can barely imagine Lorrek serving the scourge in the afterlife. That would be a dishonor to his memory and to his bravery! We must recover the body!

Grimolv: The son of Menag, a bandit lord slain by Arthas near Strahnbrad. Grimolv joined the crusade at the age of 16 when the scourge reached Strahnbrad and his mother died. He saw his father’s work as a bandit as a profession, not a crime, but he also has a strong sense of honor. He fights with a large two-handed mace and is never above using tricks to turn a fight to his advantage.
Galvar Pureblood: Galvar Pureblood was the High Commander of Hearthglen during the period in which High General Abbendis formed the Scarlet Onslaught and sailed for Northrend. When Acherus was moved into play against the Crusade, Galvar began assembling a host from Hearthglen and the surrounding lands. His plan was to unite with Abbendis' forces and drive back the death knights. Abbendis, however, believed that Galvar and his forces stood no chance, that they would be slaughtered, and left them to their fate and sailed for Northrend.
Captain Anna: A female crusader of Hearthglen who attained the rank as captain only 19 years old. She is the youngest officer of the scarlet crusade left in Lordaeron, and a brilliant tactician. She is a fierce fighter and serves as Galvar’s second-in-command as well as Chief Counselor and Planner. Anna has fought for the crusade since she was 15.
The scarlet forces left in Lordaeron have no High Inquisitor, and turns to less zealous ways in their struggle for survival. As Grimolv tries to recover the body of Captain Lorrek, he attains a clue to the whereabouts of the lost crown of King Terenas Menetethil II. He sees this as a new beacon of hope, and together with a team of crusaders, he tries to recover the crown. The crown will light new hope in the hearts of the forces of Hearthglen, and they will again believe that they still can recover Lordaeron from the undead.

How does it Sound? This is basically the concept, I will incorporate a deeper plot, but that will be a secret for only me to know. The campaign will include a full human-only techtree for the scarlet crusade. I'll include the techtree as soon as i finish planning it. I'll love to see spell Ideas for my three heroes, Galvar exists in Lore, but the other two are fictional. I try to stay as much as possible to warcraft lore, and invent more, as this is based around present events in the world of azeroth. Feedback will be appreciated. I'll include more cinematic dialogues and pictures later.
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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
New Worlds? This is set to the Warcraft world (Azeroth). Hearthglen, The Scarlet Crusade, Strahnbrad, Arthas, Saiden Dathroan, Galvar Pureblood, Menag, King Terenas, Tyr's Hand, all that is a part of the warcraft world.

Bu anyway, nice to have some feedback :)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
hm, nice, love lore-based stuff =)
as for spells... i suppose you need just standart 4 spells, as in original campaigns?
well, here we go:

Hammer Swipe - 10/20/30% of damage dealt goes splash. has a 5/10/15% chance to stun all targets hit.
Backslam - Grimolv vanishes in the shadows for 5 seconds, increasing his movement speed by 300% for the duartion. the stealth-breaking attack will deal 200/400/600 bonus damage and stun target for 1/2/3 seconds. very long CD and high mana cost
Earthquake Slam - Grimolv slams the ground with his hammer, sending forth a wave of force, stunning his enemies for 1/2/3 seconds and dealing 100/200/300 damage to them. also inflicts same damage and stun to all enemies in 300 radius armound Grimolv himself.
Sneak Rush - the Grimolv rushes through the shadows, instantly teleporting to the target enemy and stunning him (teh enemy) for 6 seconds. Reduces target's armour to zero for the stun's duration.

will think of moar later
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