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A few questions...

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Level 3
Apr 14, 2009
Hi i was wondering if you guys can help me with a few of my questions on the world editor..

1)How would i change the gold/lumber icon so it would show different icons other than the gold coin and tree

2)How would i set a good AI so that enemy units around the map would go around looking for players?(I'm making a zombie map)

3)Am I the only one that whenever i change the icon, tooltip, name (and various other things) on a unit that it takes a while for the computer to set it? because this is getting really annoying cuz im making a lot of custom units. is there a way to fix this?

Thanks! :thumbs_up:
1. Go to advanced/Game interface, allow custom values by checking the box. Then import the file you want to use and change the path (in the import manager) to the path of the gold icon (if it is an ingame icon, simply copy and paste the path in the Game Interface where the gold icon is)
2. sadly that would ll probably have to be triggered since the only AI's are melee AI's. you could always request someone to make you one.
3. that used to happen to me, but there's an easy fix that'll speed it up a bit.
In the world editor, go to Window and uncheck brush list. this will speed you up. everytime you change a value it has to update in that brush list and when the brush list isnt displayed, it doesnt have to. makes sense.
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