2DEngine 1.08b

1.24 compatible.

My system completely made from scratch in Gui which sort of makes Warcraft 3 function as a 2D Platformer =) Inspired by the map Platform Escape.

Left/Right arrow keys: Movement
Up arrow key: Jump/Walljump

The system should be leak-free, please report any bugs!

Credits: Me (for making the system), gamelayer001 (for making platform escape).

-Fixed even more leaks. (Should be leak-free now.)

-Global ignoration removed!
-Added new example.
-Reworked test map.

-Made more triggers more efficient.
-Added more documentation.

-Fixed more leaks.
-Made some triggers more efficient.
-Added more special effects.

-Fixed leaks.
-Added more special effects.

-Added camera view control
-Made test map easier.


Platform, 2D, 2DEngine, 2D System,

2D Engine v1.08b (Map)

20:35, 2nd Mar 2010 The_Reborn_Devil: The triggering looks ok, but it was kinda hard to steer. Maybe you should make it more smooth. Anyway, Approved and Useful.




20:35, 2nd Mar 2010
The triggering looks ok, but it was kinda hard to steer. Maybe you should make it more smooth.

Anyway, Approved and Useful.
Level 5
Nov 11, 2009
This looks like the same system that is used in another 2d map. i cant remember the name, but it is so old. I am not sure if this is an exact copy of the triggers in that map. Ill look for the map, to see if it is.

If you would spend one minute of your time reading the description you would see.

"My system completely made from scratch in Gui which sort of makes Warcraft 3 function as a 2D Platformer =) ->>>Inspired by the map Platform Escape.<<<-

Left/Right arrow keys: Movement
Up arrow key: Jump/Walljump

The spell should be leak-free, please report any buggs!

Credits: Me (for making the system), ->>>gamelayer001 (for making platform escape).<<<-"

Well I have seen a few systems like these and its definitly not one of the worst... not new but useful

hmm not very good... i'm not the best GUI coder (vJass is my power^^) but i see some useless things in your map:

instead of
  • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 4, do (Actions)
    • Schleifen - Aktionen
      • Set _AngleGravity_2D[_Integer_2D] = 270.00
      • Set _Integer_2D = (_Integer_2D + 1)
  • For each (_Integer_2D) from 1 to 4, do (Actions)
    • Schleifen - Aktionen
      • Set _AngleGravity_2D[_Integer_2D] = 270.00
(this is just an example but you do this in your whole code)

merge the movement left and the movement right triggers into one using a simple if/then/else to perform its actions

improve the "MovementXY on" triggers by setting the boolean for the other key to false
  • Set _MovingRight_2D[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = True
  • Set _MovingLeft_2D[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = False
delete the empty "Leaver" trigger

add a realistic jump!!!!


some short lines for general and every important variable is documented

Not bad done and useful for some guys but improve the mentioned things
and PLEASE add a realistic jump!!!
if you need a good inspiration look at this (very good) map:

Overall: (4+3+5)/3 = 4 ==> 4
Vote for Approval: No (until update)
+rep: No (until update)
PM me when you want me to look over your ressource again
Level 5
Nov 11, 2009
Please tell me where you've seen another actual system. Sure there's maps using this but they're all protected.
I never even once used Integer A..
Thanks for pointing out.
No, the way it is now your unit will stop if both are pressed which I find usefull.
Thanks for pointing out.
What part isn't realisitc? You move quick upwards then when the gravity gets you, you move quick downwards. You think some kind of hovering in mid-air is realistic? Anyway it's already been pointed out and I'll add it in next version.
Please tell me where you've seen another actual system. Sure there's maps using this but they're all protected.

Soldiers isn't protected but its coded in a very complicated way

I never even once used Integer A..

and whats this?? (sry for german lines but the important ones are in english)

  • Gravity
    • Ereignisse
      • Zeit - Every 0.05 seconds of game time
    • Bedingungen
    • Aktionen
      • -------- Makes the trigger run for each player set to play: --------
      • Set _IntegerG_2D = 1
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to _AmountPlayers_2D, do (Actions) <-- !!!!!!! this isn't integer A??? !!!!!
        • Schleifen - Aktionen
          • -------- (Not gravity, sets camera:) --------
          • Kamera - Lock camera target for (Player(_IntegerG_2D)) to _Hero_2D[_IntegerG_2D], offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Vorgabe-Drehung
          • Kamera - Set (Player(_IntegerG_2D))'s camera Perspektive to _ViewCamera_2D over 0.00 seconds
          • -------- Checks so there isn't any stable ground and the unit isn't jumping: --------
          • Set _tempPointG_2D = (Position of _Hero_2D[_IntegerG_2D])
          • Set _tempPointG2_2D = (_tempPointG_2D offset by _BlockDistance2_2D towards _AngleGravity_2D[_IntegerG_2D] degrees)
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • 'IF'-Bedingungen
              • (Terrain type at _tempPointG2_2D) Ungleich _GroundStable_2D
              • _TimerJump_2D[_IntegerG_2D] Kleiner gleich 0
            • 'THEN'-Aktionen
              • -------- Moves unit towards set gravity. --------
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg__tempPointG_2D )
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg__tempPointG2_2D )
              • Set _tempPointG_2D = (Position of _Hero_2D[_IntegerG_2D])
              • Set _tempPointG2_2D = (_tempPointG_2D offset by _SpeedFall_2D towards _AngleGravity_2D[_IntegerG_2D] degrees)
              • Einheit - Move _Hero_2D[_IntegerG_2D] instantly to _tempPointG2_2D
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg__tempPointG_2D )
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg__tempPointG2_2D )
            • 'ELSE'-Aktionen
          • -------- Reduces the jump timer: --------
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • 'IF'-Bedingungen
              • _TimerJump_2D[_IntegerG_2D] Größer gleich 1
            • 'THEN'-Aktionen
              • Set _TimerJump_2D[_IntegerG_2D] = (_TimerJump_2D[_IntegerG_2D] - 1)
            • 'ELSE'-Aktionen
          • Set _IntegerG_2D = (_IntegerG_2D + 1)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg__tempPointG_2D )
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg__tempPointG2_2D )

What part isn't realisitc? You move quick upwards then when the gravity gets you, you move quick downwards. You think some kind of hovering in mid-air is realistic? Anyway it's already been pointed out and I'll add it in next version.

your jump is linear (same speed always) but a realistic jump is a parabola
Level 5
Nov 11, 2009
My system completely made from scratch in Gui which sort of makes Warcraft 3 function as a 2D Platformer =) ->Inspired by the map Platform Escape.<-

Left/Right arrow keys: Movement
Up arrow key: Jump/Walljump

The system should be leak-free, please report any bugs!

Credits: Me (for making the system), ->gamelayer001 (for making platform escape).<-

Also wtf? The screenshot is from my testmap..
Level 5
Dec 13, 2008
With GUI, theres always a leak, unless you are using custom scripts.
Anyways, 2D Lovers would love to see these things in action, in fact of playing Platform Escape by GameSlayer001, but w/e. Good Jorb.
Level 14
Jul 28, 2009
But i dont believe you Frunck.
You are a trigger stealer, and you steal from other maps and hack them!
+ Taking credits is just lame..

yes it's haked ^^
// Map deprotected by X-deprotect (version 2006-10-02) by zibada
// [url]http://dimon.xgm.ru/xdep/[/url]
// Visit our modmaking community at [url]http://xgm.ru/[/url]

lol :D
didn't look through the code, you're right :D

but who the hell uploads a DEPROTECTED map ???

he can't be the real creator of the map
Level 5
Nov 11, 2009
But i dont believe you Frunck.
You are a trigger stealer, and you steal from other maps and hack them!
+ Taking credits is just lame..
I'm sorry but what are you, retarded? I made this system from scratch and to look like Platform Escape because that's an awesome map. You could compare this to soldiers and you' find out that Soldiers is written in fucking jass while this is GUI.
Level 14
Jul 28, 2009
I'm sorry but what are you, retarded? I made this system from scratch and to look like Platform Escape because that's an awesome map. You could compare this to soldiers and you' find out that Soldiers is written in fucking jass while this is GUI.

WTH, that didnt make any sence you big Crap!
Stop talking shit and stop lieing!

Well ill ask him bout that..

No, gameslayer made the system!..

You told me that you had his permission but you didnt.
I asked gameslayer, that means you'r a liar.
+ People has found proove that you're a mapstealer you

yes it's haked ^^
// Map deprotected by X-deprotect (version 2006-10-02) by zibada
// [url]http://dimon.xgm.ru/xdep/[/url]
// Visit our modmaking community at [url]http://xgm.ru/[/url]

So go screw yourself.
Level 3
Jan 25, 2008

When he said "yes it's haked ^^" he was talking about the map Soldiers that was unprotected then posted on the hive.

yes it's haked ^^

He never said he asked permission. If you'd learn to read you'd clearly see that it says Inspired by.

My system completely made from scratch in Gui which sort of makes Warcraft 3 function as a 2D Platformer =) ->Inspired by the map Platform Escape.<-

Also wtf? The screenshot is from my testmap..

If you're going to call someone a hacker... at least have something to back it up with.

WTH, that didnt make any sence you big Crap!
Stop talking shit and stop lieing!

You told me that you had his permission but you didnt.
I asked gameslayer, that means you'r a liar.
+ People has found proove that you're a mapstealer you

So go screw yourself.

And... you go screw yourself. :thumbs_up: