1.2B(12) released (New boss beta)!

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As always, keep discretion about content spoilers in the forums.

The old beta boss is still in the game aswell, so make sure to give this one a try aswell and check out the new changes.

The new boss is intended to be the hardest challenge of 1.2C. Make sure to test it with a full highend party for proper balancing.

CHANGELOG (v1.2B (12)):
- Stashes can no longer ... crawl away...
- PvP command in-combat bug fixed
- Fixed 'roar' sometimes applying to invalid targets
- Jolting Strikes Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds
- Distracting Weapon is now an instant-cast self-buff only, but cooldown was reduced to 30 seconds (20 with talent)
- Distracting Weapon Mana cost removed
- Distracting Weapon now also generates a decent amount of threat on it's own when cast (similar to Demoralizing Shout)
- Bladefury will now stop once the caster dies
- Pets will now be considered as the same level as the caster when performing level checks (for hit & crit mechanics)
- Battering Ram now works as intended
- Frostbite now also colors the affected unit
- Spell Mirror cooldown reduced to 25 seconds
- Fire Shield damage increased to SP x 0.4
- Added a new boss to beta test
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Awesome, can't wait to test it!

I'll be looking to play in about 1 hour if anyone is interested. I'll be on battle.net around 6:30PM Central time USA
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