• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!


  1. bioxyade

    Tree Swaying help plz

    Ok so back in the good old early days i KNOW for sure like a 100% theres a trigger to make tree's sway like naturally (in the wind) i know they used animation and animation speed. The biggest problem i got is, i can't find it back and the maps that i know have it are protected so i can't get the...
  2. Dragonnaire

    Is it possible to force wars and alliances between computers?

    Is it possible to dynamically make AI computers ally up or go to war with each other via triggers using chat messages? To some extent, I know how to make the triggering player ally up or go to war with other players and computers, but I want to know if it is possible to control who goes to war...
  3. Zielarek

    [Trigger] Order-issued units returning to their origin point.

    Hello everyone! I tried to make some little triggers which cause certain units (which are controlled by a computer player) to spawn at certain points on the map whilist adding those unit to a certain unit group. After that, they are ordered (via trigger) to attack-move to other regions. That's...
  4. domagatos

    Leak exemple, need help

    Hi, my map is starting to lag before 30m of gameplay, I do have a lot of triggers, and just want to confirm if the problem is something on these trigger, (I do have alot more similar to those).. Some of these exemples are the cause of the issue?
  5. LeCrepe

    [Trigger] Item Possession Stat Boost

    Howdy folks, so I’m trying to figure out whether or not the following is possible. I’ve given a specific category of unit an inventory which allows them to carry up to 6 items, but which does NOT allow them to use or benefit from the items directly. What I’m trying to do is find the right kind...
  6. Bloodheaven_

    [Trigger] Desync in multiplayer without obvious reason

    Hi there, if I disable the Tutorial Trigger the Game no longer desyncs at the 30s - 60s mark. Down below is every trigger related to the Tutorial Trigger. I dont see a obvious reason for a desync, can anyone help me out here?
  7. a8156175

    [JASS] I had a problem about Save&Load System,it doesn't work when the code length over 256 letters...

    Sorry,come from Asia ,bad English I have a SAVE & LOAD JASS&YDWE GUI code. I know a little bit about how it works and use it in my ORPG map. But now I have a problem that the code cannot be used if it exceeds 256 characters. I would like to ask if there are any JASS experts who can give me some...
  8. MikeyGuy

    [Trigger] [Map Broken] Looking For Missing GUI Extension/Addon

    Greetings everybody, I know this may sound like a similar thread to others where people lost their maps, but I'm going to throw this out here because it's the only way I have a chance at recovering my old maps. I actually lost access to 3 of my maps I was working on after I merely uninstalled...
  9. stacksu

    Display text on specific unit selection not working anymore.

    It's been a few months since I've put in any serious work on my map. Using GUI. I've got this selection event trigger set up to display text to a player, and it was working perfectly the last time I checked. Now.... It does absolutely nothing, and I can't figure out how it could've possibly...
  10. Balamb

    Multicast issue

    I followed a tutorial to create spells with multicast using Ruke's MUI system, but when I tried to modify one of them so that it affected friendly units, it doesn't work properly. Here are the triggers: Multicast BL Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability...
  11. fllwr9141

    [General] How to properly change structures' (with pathing map) location?

    How to properly move structure (with pathing map)? SetUnitX/Y: does not refresh ground texture graphics; does not refresh unit graphics in case of gold mine. SetUnitPosition: highly broken -- tend to move structure unnecessarily. e.g. SetUnitPosition(u, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u)) moves gold...
  12. PerPlumeShake

    [Spell] Spirit Guards GUI

    Hello again, i would like to know how to do this ability. creates two units on the TUnit's sides and spin around, if TUnit is dead, they'll die also. the rest is on the image. hope you guys could help me with this.
  13. PerPlumeShake

    [General] Mana Cost Reduction of skills Using passive

    Hello, here to ask some question again. i would like to know how to make this passive where "when this passive is learned, decreases the mana cost of all of her skills in half of the original mana cost required for original skills for each each level of her respective skills." adding to that...
  14. Falter

    [General] Open/Close Gate(UNIT) with ability

    Hello! I'm trying to make a trigger that simply lets me press the "open/close gate"-ability on the gate to open and close it, and like I said the gate is a UNIT so the destructible gate trigger is obviously not an option. The issue I run into is that when I'm in-game the ability is greyed out...
  15. bruunk

    [General] Help - Unit Sequence Spawner

    Hello Hive, long time no see I'm trying to make a trigger and I need help understanding the best way to do it, as my ideas as to do this im sure are far from optimal Basically what I am looking to have done is spawning in units that were purchased previously in the order that they were bought...
  16. Zielarek

    Life Drain custom spell not working properly

    Hi guys! As the title says, I have a problem with my custom ability. It is supposed to work kinda like a normal life drain, but I want it to keep the targeted unit in place and the casting unit can still move freely while keeping the effet of the ability. Here is what I have managed to brew...
  17. Produtor

    Frame Button with an Icon

    Hi guys! How do I create a button with an icon that when I click it performs an action of my choice? In Jass language, please I sent an example image.
  18. PerPlumeShake

    [General] AttributeStatSteal_TriggerHelp

    Hello, I'm Trying to create an Attribute Steal(Passive Skill) where each hit of the attacker to the targeted hero, the attacker's attribute increases by 4 then the targeted hero's attribute decreases by 4 and has the limit of 50 attribute that can be stole from the targeted hero. if the attacker...
  19. RaMs

    [Trigger] Set Casting Time of ability not working

    Hello everyone As the title says, i'm using the function Ability - Set Ability Real Level Field trying to customize the casting time of abilities, but is not working and i dont know why. Untitled Trigger 001 Events Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability Conditions...
  20. MaMaD

    How to use random action?

    I want Hello I want to say to Trigger: Do one of the instructions randomly Which action should I use in Triggers? is this?
  21. Blahblah_Blagar

    Picking Units raised by Animate Dead Spell?

    Hi. I've wanted to create a spell based on Animate Dead - it would raise a set amount of corpses in an area of effect range, with the twist that they would instead be raised into a specific unit type. You cast Animate Dead and raise zombies (or whatever) from surrounding corpses. The obvious...
  22. PerPlumeShake

    [Solved] About Metamorphosis

    Hello guys, Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening i would like to know how to make the hero do the metamorphosis like this. Normally, user is melee and can cast the 1st & 2nd skill normally("Skills that requires triggers", you could take "Flash Attack" skill discussion as one of the materials it'll be...
  23. NeoZigma

    Help, I don't understand what this window means

    Hello, everyone. The thing is that this map is my favorite and I played it a lot with my friends. However, it is a somewhat rudimentary map compared to others, and there are not many users who play it, that's why I decided to open the editor and improve it as much as possible, although my...
  24. DupaczZ

    [Trigger] Get life-increasing aura to work with multiple levels

    Hi. First of all, I'm a noo at triggering and coding in general. Now to my problem... I am currently trying to change a trigger from Uncle. Here is a link to the Thread: [Spell] - Life-increasing aura I am trying to make a Hero ability. The ability needs to have at least 4 Levels. Here is the...
  25. Nightmare05010

    [General] How do I make it so that when a specific unit type kills any type of unit, player gets 100 gold?

    So, I would do the other thing on here, but I am not sure how to write it, so I will attach a screenshot of the triggers that I made. Where did I mess it up? First line says "A unit dies".
  26. PerPlumeShake

    [Spell] Stampede but uses triggers & dummies

    Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. I would like to know how to create a "Stampede but using with triggers & dummies". Damage is also in trigger so as its AoE. Last within 15 seconds would be enough. Hope you guys could help me with it
  27. 9400490

    How to create a Trigger to continue receiving XP from monsters as a LVL 5+ Hero

    I'm creating a huge map as if it were some kind of MMORPG in Warcraft III Reforged, only with Neutral Hostile enemies. However, when I reach level 5 with a Hero, he stops receiving XP from these monsters. I would like to know if there is a system or something I can do to continue receiving XP...
  28. Alry FireBlade

    How do I check if Player Red is the only Human player to run Actions?

    TLTR: What condition checks if there is only 1 human player. Hello, I am new to Triggers and try to get better. I am currently creating a Hero Defence Map, and I want to create Cheats I can use, for testing my Map. Furthermore, I want to make it, that the Cheats get disabled, when there are...
  29. Rigoberto

    Triggers disappearing (UI Bug) when using folders/comments

    I am not 100% what causes it, but it seems when I use folders to organise triggers and/or comments (not sure which one or both) and save my map, a bug can occur where if I reload the map all triggers except for 1-2 (out of 30+) are no longer shown in the trigger editor. And as far as I know...
  30. =Junpei=

    Need help in regions

    I wanna know how to make units spawn in the region without overlapping to the inner regions So my area of battle has three regions: In which the outside has the weakest to the strongest to the center. However, it is common logic that the outermost region(weakest) will spawn any unit all over...
  31. Silvernus

    [Solved] Prevent upgrade from increasing unit's current mana?

    This topic has come up once before, but got no clear answer. And on my own research, I'm finding it particularly difficult to resolve. The goal here is simple - I want a building that has an arbitrary amount of mana to be able to upgrade into one with a higher maximum mana, but without changing...
  32. Silvernus

    Variable doubling each update cycle (SOLVED)

    I'm trying to make a trigger that updates on a regular cycle. Every update cycle, it's supposed to take a variable (the increment), add it to another variable (the old value), and save the result (the new value). However, while most of this seems to work, the updates appear to be updating the...
  33. =Junpei=

    Trees stop respawn when in building help

    So, I have a simple trigger that makes the tree respawn when destroyed/chopped down. Events Time - Elapsed game time is 0.01 seconds Conditions Actions Destructible - Pick every destructible in (Playable map area) and do (Actions) Loop - Actions...
  34. =Junpei=

    Unit Group Variable Help

    I had some issues when using variables, specifically, Unit Group. I tried to use this as this prevent memory leak but it does not go out as I expected. When using the "random point in region", the creeps created stays in one place, I want them to be scattered randomly and not stacked in a random...
  35. TehSDragon

    Trying to trigger a delayed falling projectile but it's not working quite as intended

    Good people of the Hive, I am once again asking for your support. First off, the situation: I'm trying to create a spell that summons a falling meteor that lands in target location, dealing damage. I figured, hey, I could base this off of the summon Infernal spell, just need to set the Stun...
  36. Ricola3D

    [Reforged] Nested "Value of Real Variable" events is bugged

    Hello, Some well-known systems for your custom maps use "Value of Real Variable" events as API you can use to get notified of some game actions. For example a well known is GUI Unit Event by @Bribe : For example, the system executes the code below: Set VariableSet Event1 = 0.00 Set...
  37. CollectorofStoriesUntold

    [Spell] Detecting when unit is order to drop one corpse

    Hello, fellow hivers. I'm currently working on abilities for a corpse chart. The idea behind the ability is that every time the unit acquires a corpse, it levels up an aura ability, and when it drops one it lowers the level of the aura ability. I have figured out how to detect when a corpse is...

    Tower Defense Unit Routing Problem

    Hello, so I am making a Tower Defense and I need help with the routing... So, what I'm trying to do here is to have Player 1's all units (which spawns timely) to move from Point Start A to the Points #s, then lastly to Point End. While my spawned units is to Kaboom! enemies along the way from...
  39. BrothForMyPeople

    Attachments disappear when I change unit's skin via triggers

    Hello I've made a trigger where standard paladin model changes to Uther when he takes specific item. Although, all attachments (like aura, buff etc. as well as custom attachments like shield or sword in left/right, hand) disappear when the skin changes. When I am buffed again and I drop the item...
  40. OG-Panic

    Require Multiplayer Backpack system

    "Hello guys, I'm looking for a backpack system for my RPG map. I know there are several options out there, and I have already checked out quite a few of them. The problem is that most of the highly recommended systems are too expensive for my taste. I'm not a coding Guy, so JASS and all the...
  41. ZeroGravity

    I want a trade hero system/trigger

    Just as the topic suggested, I was trying to make a trigger where one person would type such as -trade blue then the targeted person will get a notification that they got requested to trade and may type such as -yes red to accept the trade or -no to deny and end the request, but I have failed...
  42. xploder7

    [Solved] Carrying Variables Across Triggers

    So I have a trigger here: frozenOrbCast Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Frozen Orb (Frost Mage) Actions Set VariableSet frozenOrbCaster[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] =...
  43. Ruvven

    [Trigger] TeamSize missing out a couple people

    Greetings once again to the lovely Hive Community! I have a trigger here that should seem to be straight forward but i currently cannot seem to fix this and my brain has started to hurt. All in all what its supposed to do is take the amount of players and divide them into wether it should be...
  44. xploder7

    [Solved] Substring Integer Comparison

    Hello! I have the below trigger with conditions that the substring has to be between 50-400. No matter what is typed in the chat (like "-cam 999"), only the Else is running, even when it shouldnt.. I tried converting the substring to a real and doing the same condition comparison which did not...
  45. Izzetin

    [Trigger] Unit Indexer merge (JASS)

    Hello, Iam currently trying to implement 2 awesome Systems from Hive in my Map but i have a problem with the Indexer. I know there can only be ONE Unit Indexer but i am not able to deleted one and merge both Systems. Maybe someone can help me get the ''Is Unit Moving'' (Bribe) working in the...
  46. almawt

    [Solved] [Trigger] Dice Movement

    Hello! For the last few hours I've been working on making a sorta fun little drinking game, that you play in single player mode. So, I'm trying to work something out where when a player hits the dices (activated by an ability), a random number (2-12) is rolled, the unit moves that amount of...
  47. Gojiras

    [Trigger] Request - Check triggers for leaks?

    Hey ya'll. I've recently been updating a semi-popular version of Warchasers called WarchasersNightmarev27. This particular version is notorious for crashing 1-3 hours into the game (sometimes individual player crashes, sometimes game wide) and I'm assuming it's caused by memory leaks in the...
  48. ZeroGravity

    Is this trigger causing my map to lag so hard?

    So my map has been lagging from time to time, probably due to a lot of enemies at once and this trigger moves the certain type of enemies. I suspect as this is the only periodic time trigger I have which moves a lot of unit at once, it may cause the massive lag but how do I fix it? Is this...
  49. Ruvven

    [Trigger] AI Works but then again doesn't ..

    Hey there, been a while .. So recently i picked up an idea and the map itself is no problem, but i have started getting into AI and trying to incorporate it with triggers cause the AI Editor will not work for my purpose. Well story aside this is the first of probably many triggers but i have...
  50. ZeroGravity

    A trigger that make everyone outside of region loses?

    Just like the topic, to make you see the big picture, a chopper will take that hero unit to safe zone which guarantee the owner a win while players outside who did not make it within time limit will get defeat screen. I think using hero unit as condition will be easier since there might be...