• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!


  1. Capture The Flag SC2 - Terrain 2.7

    Capture The Flag SC2 - Terrain 2.7

  2. WC3(Sc1) Miasmas (Loomings) Blackguard (Strongarm) test

    WC3(Sc1) Miasmas (Loomings) Blackguard (Strongarm) test

    Testing the map on hard difficulty, seeing if any sequence breaks and that sort of thing.
  3. Zboriv Train Station

    Zboriv Train Station

    Heyyy, I've found another screenshot of my old unfinished SC2 terrain. That was almost 10 years ago...
  4. WC3SC1 Intro test (audio).mp3

    WC3SC1 Intro test (audio).mp3

    Having fun with elevenlabs for my side wc3 sc1 project
  5. Capture The Flag SC2 - Terrain

    Capture The Flag SC2 - Terrain

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  6. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#8)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#8)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  7. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#7)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#7)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  8. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#6)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#6)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  9. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#5)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#5)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  10. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#4)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#4)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  11. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#3)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#3)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  12. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#2)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#2)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  13. Capture The Flag SC2 - (#1)

    Capture The Flag SC2 - (#1)

    Taken from Warcraft 3 Replay.
  14. Evilhog

    "The Death of the Overmind" SC1 cinematic remake

  15. Evilhog

    Samwise Didier retires from Blizzard

    We get Metzen back, but we lose Sammy. Damn... I wonder if it has anything to do with Microsoft's acquisition of Blizzard.
  16. AI-upscaled Terran character portraits [Topaz Gigapixel]

    AI-upscaled Terran character portraits [Topaz Gigapixel]

    Someone on Reddit called them "deep fried', heh. I had to heavily edit Kerrigan's portrait manually - her right eye turned into a jellyfish with AI upscale. Medic's nose also looked like something unpleasant.
  17. Evilhog

    So why aren't you working on a Starcraft 2 custom campaign, %username?

    In case these things need explanation: -4th option in the poll ("Blizzard's policy on user-made custom content sux (all your UMS belong to Bobby K.") - SC2 Editor EULA states, that all custom content created for SC2 with its official tools automatically belongs to Blizzard. They are free to use...
  18. Alliance Briefing Room Test.png

    Alliance Briefing Room Test.png

    Name says it all, although this is more akin to the first and third map, not the second one
  19. WC3SC1T01 "Wasteland"

    WC3SC1T01 "Wasteland"

    Test of the new voices for the footmen, peasants, and Arthas himself. Overall the map seems to be ready. Just an issue with the 4th music I can't seem to get solved yet.
  20. WC3SC1 Arthas Quotes 3/3

    WC3SC1 Arthas Quotes 3/3

    If a whole SC1 game ever gets recreated, it's probably a good idea to have the Turalyon (Hyperion) ready. As for the custom skin, it started as a henry cavill image but didn't match the model very well so a re-arrangement was made.
  21. WC3SC1 Arthas Quotes 1/3

    WC3SC1 Arthas Quotes 1/3

    New Arthas voice quotes made with Elevenlabs. Now they sound a lot closer to the original and a ton less like the stoner he kinda sounded like with Uberduck. The three variations are meant to be used at different stages of the campaign. Hope you don't mind a few swear words.
  22. Ahh, General Uther...

    Ahh, General Uther...

    Night and day compared to the previous video. Thanks a ton both deepstrasz and Antares. I feel like recreating the whole thing now (eventually)
  23. WC3SC1 Uther (Lothar II) Test

    WC3SC1 Uther (Lothar II) Test

    Uther (Duke) onboard Lothar II (Norad II) in action.
  24. Testing out a new unit for the Rebel Purge campaign

    Testing out a new unit for the Rebel Purge campaign

    Uther the Lightbringer onboard the Lothar II (supposed to represent Edmund Duke and the Norad II). He's a bit overpowered atm. Anybody got a Uther AI voice model I can use? :D
  25. WC3SC1 T3 Map - Bunker Defense + Graveyard Event test

    WC3SC1 T3 Map - Bunker Defense + Graveyard Event test

    Already working on triggers for the third map. Gotta learn to program simple melee-ish AI :D
  26. It Worked.

    It Worked.

    Once again, thank you Hive. This will be a fine Victory screen for the campaign.
  27. Rebel Purge - Wasteland (SC1 in WC3)

    Rebel Purge - Wasteland (SC1 in WC3)

    Trying the world editor after a few years, and a rather primitive AI voice generator tech.
  28. Evilhog

    UED First Light - a fully voiced SC2 custom campaign

    Guys, UED First Light Missions 1-11 have been released! Instructions and downloads available here: https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/ued-first-light N.B.! Before you download and play this, be sure to play the prologue mission "Routhe" available on SC2 Arcade. Trailer:
  29. PiesOfNorth

    [SD/Misc] StarCraft Asset Improvements

    I've been working on a Zerg Campaign for War3. It uses many assets from Project Revolution, some which I modified to add things like sounds, attachment points, or collision boxes. That's about the extent of what I feel confident doing with the assets though, as I'm not much of an artist...
  30. PiesOfNorth

    [Campaign] Zerg Campaign: Invasion of Azeroth

    Above Char, The Terran and Protoss fire a jointly-developed experimental super-weapon at Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades. The blast unexpectedly tears a hole in space-time, launching Kerrigan and her Zerg out of the Korpulu Sector. She's another world's problem now... Follow Sarah...
  31. FlameofChange

    [Strategy / Risk] War of the Worlds

    War of the Worlds The game focuses on developing a world, invading others while defending from other. Survival of the fittest ! Large battles ! Micro and Macro intensive ! Starcraft players might get interested in this, but why not inviting some other guest RTS games to make a rich RTS ...
  32. Orcdog, Wolf, and Bloodfly

    Orcdog, Wolf, and Bloodfly

    Animals from Gothic 1, as seen in my Gothic 1 RTS project. Near the orc-controlled area in Gothic 1, there is packs of Orcdogs that contain some normal wolves as well.
  33. Wolf, Scavenger, and Bloodfly

    Wolf, Scavenger, and Bloodfly

    Animals and Monsters from Gothic 1, as seen in my SC:BW mod that turns Gothic into a real time strategy game.
  34. Swamp Camp Units

    Swamp Camp Units

    Units of the Sect Camp from Gothic 1, in RTS form (StarCraft: Broodwar Mod).
  35. Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 2

    Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 2

    From my Gothic 1 RTS proeject (SC:BW Mod). Depicts the Swamp Camp's Templar hunting Minecrawlers in the Old Mine. In that mission, Old Camp Guards will be "rescueable" and tag along for additional Old Mine atmosphere. Nameless hero as shadow will be rescueable as well so he can kill Minecrawlerqueen
  36. Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 1

    Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 1

    From my Gothic 1 RTS proeject (SC:BW Mod). Depicts the Swamp Camp's Templar hunting Minecrawlers in the Old Mine. In that mission, Old Camp Guards will be "rescueable" and tag along for additional Old Mine atmosphere. Nameless hero as shadow will be rescueable as well so he can kill Minecrawlerqueen
  37. Gorn and the bandits 2 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn and the bandits 2 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    There is dialogues in Gothic 1 in the New Camp that inform you about the fact that the mercenary Gorn (hero unit) would sometimes join the New Camp's bandits in raiding Old Camp convoys. This will be depicted in a mission of my Gothic 1 RTS proejct (Starcraft Broodwar Mod).
  38. Gorn and the bandits 1 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn and the bandits 1 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    There is dialogues in Gothic 1 in the New Camp that inform you about the fact that the mercenary Gorn (hero unit) would sometimes join the New Camp's bandits in raiding Old Camp convoys. This will be depicted in a mission of my Gothic 1 RTS proejct (Starcraft Broodwar Mod).
  39. Old Camp units II.png

    Old Camp units II.png

    Random screenshot from my StarCraft 1 Broodwar mod that turns the atmospheric RPG Gothic 1 into an RTS. I will probablly call the mod "Khorinis Guild Wars", or "Guilds of Khorinis", or simply "Gothic RTS" (in reference to the equally named "Gothic Sequel", which is a cancelled addon to Gothic 1).
  40. Old Camp Units I.png

    Old Camp Units I.png

    Random screenshot from my StarCraft 1 Broodwar mod that turns the atmospheric RPG Gothic 1 into an RTS. I will probablly call the mod "Khorinis Guild Wars", or "Guilds of Khorinis", or simply "Gothic RTS" (in reference to the equally named "Gothic Sequel", which is a cancelled addon to Gothic 1).
  41. LordHatchet95

    [General] Units/SFX disappearing, Sound issues [FIXED], and the Haunted gold mine problem

    Hello everyone. LordHatchet95 here, after a loooooooooong time of hiatus... Well, to the point: I've been working on a starcraft volcanic map, with high tides and low tides of lava... Both the triggers and the models are ready. The issue is the following: I ended up using "units" with...
  42. Unit Icon Wolf (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icon Wolf (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. Another one of these damn beasts!
  43. Idle Units - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Idle Units - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. Awaken!
  44. Unit Icons - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icons - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. Awaken!
  45. Idle Units - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Idle Units - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. We will take back our freedom!
  46. Unit Icons - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icons - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. We will take back our freedom!
  47. Idle Units - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Idle Units - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. For Gomez!
  48. Unit Icons - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icons - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. For Gomez!
  49. Some old (2013) SC2 terraining

    Some old (2013) SC2 terraining

  50. BrothForMyPeople

    I need Space Arthas model.

    I once saw Arthas model with Marine skin but I can't find it now. Does it still exist in HWS database?