• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


  1. Felwood


  2. UHSFA: The Burning Legion

    UHSFA: The Burning Legion

  3. VulaC

    [HD/Modeling] Fel Shrine (Demonic Building)

    Hi guys, could someone change all red flames and textures to a green/fel fire version? This would be a nice alternative for a Burning Legion themed map. :infl_thumbs_up: Big thanks in advance! ~ Vulac
  4. old_gil

    [HD/Modeling] Fel Trolls and Fel Ogres

    I always thought it was kind of dumb how in outland all the orcs are transformed into giant spikey demon orcs, but there are no sign of any Fel Forest Trolls or any Fel Ogres. Let's be honest, I think everybody would like to see some demon trolls running around. I've tried to do it myself but...
  5. Fel Orc Raider

    Fel Orc Raider

  6. Fel Orc Grunt Alternate

    Fel Orc Grunt Alternate

  7. Fel Orc Grunt

    Fel Orc Grunt

  8. ElderWarden

    [HD/Modeling] Need Fel and Hell doodad [Reforged]

    Hello there! I don't know how to create reforged models so I ask here. Someone could create any fel doodad or hell doodad in reforged. Like Walls for demons with crackles, in the right color theme, with spike. Some statue, props and lava fall. (Why not a lava reforged aswell) To create a...
  9. hemmedo

    Spell - Fel Gift

    I have an idea for a cool spell but I don't know whether it's possible in warcraft 3 engine or not. But I'll try to be as specific as possible on the spell if someone intends to do it. Description: The Warlock channels Fel energy to an Orc unit, bestowing increased might and speed permanently...
  10. Mister_Haudrauf

    Chaos Orcs and Fel Orcs: Are they the same?

    The title says basically everything. What do you think are the Chaos Orcs (Orcs with just red skin) the same as Outlands Fel Orcs (Orcs with red skin and mutations (Spikes for example) ) ?
  11. Lothar1994

    Fel Fire Doodad Model

    I am making a "re-make" map of Tannan Jungle and I need the Fel Fire. I have a picture of the specific fire model i need recolored but i need it to be put in mdx format so i can make a new doodad for it. if any one can do this i be grateful. thank you in advance. NOTE: the fire in the...
  12. Chaos Wyvern Rider

    Chaos Wyvern Rider

    FileName: ChaosWyvernRider.mdx FileSize: 79KB IncludedTextures: 1 In-GameTextures: 4 Animations: 10 FileName: ChaosWyvernRider_Portrait.mdx FileSize: 35KB IncludedTextures: 1 In-GameTextures: 3 Animations: 5 Polygons: 321 FileName: ChaosWyvernRider.blp FileSize: 111KB ImageSize: 256x256
  13. Aleister

    Icon for Chaos Range (Solved by Hermit & Kuhneghetz)

    The icon of the hide model: ChaosOrcRange, is the only icon that was never created on this page and nowhere.