
  1. SNIper of DARKness

    Crop Farming Mechanic

    What kind of methods could I use to simulate simple crop farming that gives gold (not a custom resource). What if I only want it to be localised on a certain tileset (farm tiles)? I had thought about a building that spawn hostile crop that can only be targetted by peasants killing it would give...
  2. Funnybanny

    [Healer] solo farm build

    Hello fellow healer! Lets just start with, this is not the best way to farm. Get these items to make farming with your healer much better. (If you do not upgrade items it will be decent farming, but with full tier 2, its real nice) Core Items: The only items actually dealing damage to enemies...
  3. sk4

    [Role Playing Game] Artifacts ORPG

    Artifacts ORPG is a theme-park ORPG designed to challenge players (1-22) to complete in quests, world PvP, and dungeons. Game takes a lot of inspiration from classic WoW. It is designed to take players weeks to complete on regular play sessions (1-2 hours daily play session expected). Alpha and...
  4. Gilded

    Need help with Planting system

    I used the Build Tiny Blacksmith as a base for the ability for planting a crop. I want to know how to make the constructed building die after construction has been completed and upon death an item is spawned at that area. To give a clear example Shade Gabriel's Founders of The North style of...
  5. Emm-A-

    [Role Playing Game] Emm-A-s Harvest Moon for Warcraft III

    Created by Emm-A- Hi Everybody, this is an RPG-like multiplayer adventure/farming game, based on the game series "Harvest Moon". There is an early version available now! Please test it and feel free to leave comments. The map is protected at the moment, until I have the time to provide the...