
  1. Dark-Zalor

    Item Button Clicked

    hello everyone, I use for any of my spells that event: call TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(T, SPELL_ID, SPELL_ORDER) and this works, when I clicke on the button my trigger runs. But is there an equivalent for item click button, because the event below does not trigger anything... Thanks you...
  2. Droof

    [Solved] Detect Building/Structure Menu Click

    I'd like to implement a paging system for multiple structures in the building selection on a worker unit. I have two units, "Next page" and "Previous page" When the units are selected/clicked in the build menu, it should change the buildings available for the triggering player. ISSUE: The...
  3. kleinerhauck

    Input issues?

    Especially on a map where I have to spam clicks and hotkeys a lot, sometimes my input is completely ignored for a short period of time (1-10 seconds maybe). This means I cannot click, command a unit, press a spell/command button or use any hotkeys. Maybe it also happens for other maps but is not...
  4. Tom_Almighty1

    Remove Ability TICK sound

    Guys is there a way to remove the TICK sound when I cast/click an ability?
  5. Remixer

    [General] Select Patron - Select Unit - Shop Mechanics

    Hello, I'm currently trying to achieve following setup on a shop: Desired situation: 1. Does not display "select unit" button in the unit interface (as it reduced purchasable item count by 1) 2. Can select patron by right-clicking units within the selection range. Problems: 1. Hiding Select...
  6. cyberend

    [Trigger] GUI Left Click Mouse Down Event Error with Unit Pause

    Hi, I would like to request assistance regarding the mouse down button. I have an error where the unit i paused does not unpause at the end of the code line when using skills triggered by mouse down button. After clicking the left mouse button I would order a unit to cast an ability. The...