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Vampirism Tag Beta v0.20

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Vampirism, cboy123, Santino

Vampirism Tag Beta v0.20 (Map)

19:20, 6th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Just like I told to terranempire map without good description and screenshots here on hive is fail!

Attach some screenshots to map description so guys like me who don't like to read all that text (without color and stuff) can see map!

If I like terrain I test map! Simple as that! Btw. I told you this because there is tons of users, and peoples who will click on your map, wait sec or 2 and then leave it because they don't see nothing that will interest them! Add simple tables, color your text, place screenshots, maybe even video! increase text size do what you want, thrust me, you have nothing to lose!

Here is BB Code so try your best!
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
[rant on terrain]

Well this map doesn't deserve my full review quite yet.
I will however show you some pictures of some bad terrain, and I will go over why they are bad.


Now, that water, definitely needs some doodads. I've never seen a lake that is simply water. With no moss, or lily pads, or anything...
The second circle around the fountains is there because who would put fountains that go through the terrain right there...?
If you know somebody that would, in real life, then your > me.

I smell spammed cinematic doodads, and it's a very distinct smell of burning eyes.

yes, there was so much wrong, I needed circle labels...
#1, You used the same tile...with no variation, bad. and with no doodads, bad. and maybe even the same variation of the tile, ouchhh.
#2 Snow will not be next to green leaves from the ashenvale(maybe felwood) tileset...
#3 Again, a snowy(ish) tile next to lush green leaves...
#4 The doodads not only collide, but why would you put a column there? What is that supporting? Our ozone?
#5 /facepalm Lava...but only one drop of it? really?

#1 use the smooth tool there, that's what it's there for.
#2 fix that, you have multiple places like that in your map.

If you can pick out an environmentals, on this 1/4 of your entire map, I'll give you rep.
That is ridiculous, add environmentals, or this won't make it far.

[/rant on terrain]
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
First Impression:
DotA Copy fer teh lulz. Isn't a bad thing. But it's also not a good thing. I like the Skill Selection system, but seriously? This looks like a carbon copy. I like the funny descriptions of the heroes, though.

Items are also basically DotA's Items.


I can't say much. Just somehow average. But the terrain on bases are bland. And the tinting.... OHGODWHEREISMYEYESOHWAITIJUSTGOUGEDTHEMOUT

Although it isn't something horrible.

And somehow the usage of Blizzard cliffs didn't make the terrain look horrendous.


AoS with Skill Selection system. I always love them. If it's not for DotA skills, you will get higher score.


Resource Usage:
Wise importing. Although I'm still suspicious with the Tank Model. Is it custom or imported from L4D?

And those Naruto and Pikachu Models aren't very good.


Bugs and Glitches and All That Shiz:
No green icons. Horray!

Also, my short testing shows no bugs and glitches.


The skills already showed me the balance. It must be DotA's level.


Resource Crediting:
Non-Existant (Too bad! ):)


THW Rules:
You have your description, but as Resource Crediting part of this review said, you have no list of credits. ): I will at first vote for approval because this is good enough albeit being a carbon copy of DotA. Until then, vote pending until Credits are inserted.

Personal Opinion
Another AoS. Not the one that I will keep on my Hard Drive, but it isn't a bad one. In fact, this is better than most crappy AoSs that try to copy DotA out there. At least there are some effort shown. And I like that. :)

Final Score:
3/5+3/5+4/5+4/5+5/5+3/5+0/5 = 22/35

In words: Average

Although at first I will vote for approval, the lack of credits in description and in-game disturbs me. So, my vote will wait until you find the necessary credits. Vote Pending.

~Dead-Man-Walking A.K.A. Nightmare Wasp, The Hive Workshop's Unofficial Map Reviewer
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Maybe you meant Dan Van Ohllus?

Also, you haven't answered my question on Tank's Model.

Yeah Dan Van Ohllus and about the Tank model. I only downloaded it on Garage it is made by Zerox (I guess) since it has been posted without the creator and thanks about the review. I really suck at terraining. I got hmmm 0 level on the terrain. Hahaa
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
As a Reviewer of the Map Reviewers Group, I joined the THW Cleaning Event.
end up writing a fast review, or just posting the end state of the map, rating is not always included!

Current State for this map: Pending

Additional Information:
Improve the map some more so I can get it approved.

I will contact the moderator to Approve/Reject the map, depending on what you recieved.

Level 10
May 27, 2009
oh cboy this is your map? gonna try it :D :D


ok i found some bugs even i just played it once

*The Lightning skill (2nd skill) seems not to work on Bogart for the first time it is casted (I think)
*Eclipse is maybe based on War Stomp or Thunder Clap because it damages units within an area and creates a terrain deformation (if you look at it carefully when casting) so damaging units. Its learn button is in passive button. Make it a normal command button pls.

That's what I've found for the first game.
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
@Barathum - I am improving it. well I hate to say this but Damm, I got no terraining skills. Hahaha. Well I hope I can improve it. Credits will be put on the Manual of the Game (F9). Can you tell me how to improve it? I always need some suggestion.

@jim - Yah. but since I got Level 0 on the terrainning Hah.

I am currently busy with PPGZ-E so CBZ won't be update next 2 weeks.