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Skeleton Mini Arena v9

Q: What is the point in this map?
A: Fight against enemies by having fun.
Q: How can I win?
A: Simply, reach Kills to Win, which are selected by blue player at the beginning.
Q: What is "Kills to Win"?
A: Blue player types at the beginning "-kw ##", (## is the number of Kills to Win). By reaching team score of Kills to Win you have chance to win.
Q: What else can I do in this map?
A: You can buy items in the middle of the map. You can use commands, just type "-commands" in game and you will see which commands are available.
Q: Where can I send mail if I note bug or I have suggestion?
A: You can mail at: [email protected].
For more info check "Info (F9)".
Credits goes to: hiveworkshop and all the supporters and helpers (check F9 in-game for more credit info)
This map was completely created by L1quiD (me).

Skeleton Mini Arena v9 (Map)

11:14, 17th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2: A arena game with good heroes, however too simple since it lacks game modes, better terrain and more "unique" features. Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating. You can find my full review at post #2.




11:14, 17th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2:
A arena game with good heroes, however too simple since it lacks game modes, better terrain and more "unique" features. Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating.

You can find my full review at post #2.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Skeleton Mini Arena v9 is an arena type map, where a player takes control of a single hero and must kill the other heroes to win a number of times.

The terrain is bad, however it serves it's purpose thus its acceptable. The heroes are done finely, with neat and somewhat original spells. Working hotkeys and good tooltips.

However you lack the ability to choose a hero, you get one at start and you can't change it. Also, the amount of items is way to little for a map of this type.

What I also don't like is the replayability value, that is low. No game modes, always the same hero for the same player make the game boring over time.

The addition of AI is great. You properly credited everyone in the quest log aswell.

The packaging isn't great, missing pictures and tags. Overall a decent map still lacking some work, Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating.