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Riderless Mounts

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

for the riderless Knight and Bandit Lord,
used the Knight from Ujimasa's as base:

for the riderless Archmage and Bandit Mage,
used the Bandit Mage from Ujimasa's as base:

for the riderless Orc Warlord,
used the Orc Warlord from Ujimasa's as base:

changes for the Horses:
removed the rider (obviously)
tried to add simple custom portrait,
basic attack anim that is rather a substitute
formed from the existing anims.
tried to be consistent with attachment points.


used Raider as base from Ujimasa Hojo's pack:
that means fel orc and regular version are both included in the same file.
you can simply use 'alternate' tags to get the other version.
note: dont put alternate for attachment bones, it probably wont work.
Also have added seperated versions so you can use one without other.

changes for Raider:
removed the rider (obviously)
transferred Attack Two and Attack Slam anims from the Dire Wolf for both forms.
adjusted portrait camera to focus on wolf instead, with duplicated anims from Stand.
edited decaying skeleton to not include the orc rider. reduced blood during death.
changed death sound to that of wolf. added decay bone for regular wolf, had only
one for alternate.


Used Far Seer model from Ujimasa's as base:

changes for Farseer's mount:
removed the rider (duh)
new, simple portrait.
added attack slam, and extra stand,
and attack anim from spirit wolf.
changed the death anim, so that i could
added decay flesh and decay bone anims.


based on MalFurionV2.05.mdx from Ujimasa Hojo's pack:

changes for Malfurion's stag:
removed the rider, given a portrait, added decay anims.

edit: added version with basic teamcoloring, like Dryad's:

Path for the custom texture is:


based on models from Ujimasa Hojo's packs:

changes for the catz:
removed the rider, adjusted a portrait, added decay anim for tiger.

also added teamcoloring versions of the riderless cats:

Paths for the textures used by the teamcoloring cats are:
Textures\SentinelTC.blp (for Panther)
units\NightElf\HeroMoonPriestess\PriestessofTheMoonTC.blp (for Tiger)

ingame screenshots:

(sorry that showed only the riderless knight and bandit lord)





RiderlessArchmageHorse (Model)

RiderlessBanditMageHorse (Model)

RiderlessComboRaider (Model)

RiderlessFelOrcRaider (Model)

RiderlessHorse (Model)

RiderlessHorseBlack (Model)

RiderlessHuntress (Model)

RiderlessHuntressTeamcolor (Model)

RiderlessMalfurion (Model)

RiderlessMalfurionTeamcolor (Model)

RiderlessOrcFarseer (Model)

RiderlessOrcRaider (Model)

RiderlessPriestessoftheMoon (Model)

RiderlessPriestessoftheMoonTeamcolor (Model)

RiderlessWarlordHorse (Model)

General Frank
Simple and useful riderless models. Nothing too special about this menagerie of animals, but they might be useful to map makers.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
suggest me a texture to be used for the teamcolored saddle, been on the search for one myself.
If no fitting one is found, I guess something like that from the back of dragons could work

Or Chimaera?
Or you could make the fur on the hind team coloured like the mage horses have it. Or even cooler to make it a bit similar to the Warlord's, instead of the tail, colour the beard, ha-ha.

Enough yip yapping.
Maybe the Dryad could be the best and most fitting inspiration (the hair could be used for the beard; but colouring the calf part of the inferior limbs would suffice)?
Or, maybe easier, take it from the Polar Bear?

While you're at it, you could even add some team colour to Fel Stalker, Fel Beast and Fel Ravager since they have none. Oh, Ghost and Wraith as well. Infernal too. Ah, Zergling and Hydralisk haven't any. Give a person a finger and they'll take your whole hand...
While you're at it, you could even add some team colour to Fel Stalker, Fel Beast and Fel Ravager since they have none. Oh, Ghost and Wraith as well. Infernal too. Ah, Zergling and Hydralisk haven't any. Give a person a finger and they'll take your whole hand...
Ghost turns out to already have the teamcolor setup on the model but did not show up due to incorrect transparency on relevant parts of the texture. So that was simple to fix.
As for the Fel Stalker i might do something like the Spirit Wolves have, a layer of teamglow on the unit.
At the Infernal, easiest would be to edit the texture so the black cracks turn into seams of teamcolor instead. Something more involved would be to edit the inner particle effects to have teamcoloring instead, so that the bulk of it's particle fx remains green felfire, with subtle insertions of teamcolor along the main body and arms.