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Demon maker 009

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
LATEST >> Demon maker v009 << 22.1.2010

A MULTIPLAYER game for 12 players.
There are clear map and in the middle Demon Archimonde.

Archimonde must making terrain escape that must kill escapers.Escapers must survive his terrain and go to his finish point.

Archimonde spells:

<Terrain Group>
Grass - Grass is passive terrain type,not killing,not have effects.
Earth - Killing escapers,when they come to his position.
Ice - Ice is special terrain that cause escapers to moveing.They cannot stop and can only changing his angle with clicking to points.
Dark ice - Dark ice is the same terrain like ice but unit moving in his positions is 2x faster.
Jumper - Jumper is terrain that cause escapers jump from his angle.They cant control his facing.
Flyer - Flyer is terrain that cause escapers fly from his angle to long range.They can control his facing.
Red blow - Red blow is terrain that damages escapers without fire.
Snow - Snow slows escapers without freezing.

<Unit Group>
Small blade - Damages enemyes in 40 range.Also can be moved with 500 speed.
Medium blade - The same like small blade.60 damage range,400 move speed.
Blade - The same like medium blade.80 damage range,300 move speed.
Block - Kills enemyes in 40 range.
ig blade - The same like medium blade.80 damage range,300 move speed.
Block - Kills enemyes in 40 range.

<Item Group>
Score bonus - When is get,adds +100 score.
Life bonus - When is get,adds +1 life.
Smaller potion of life - Heals 250 hitpoints
Greater Potion of life - Heals 500 hitpoints

-There is special kick system that protect escaper's position.
Every Escaper have Afk matter that control every second,if he is in his position like before,after 60 seconds of Afking player goes to afk system and Archimonde can kick him without Kick spell.

<Sellect AOE>
Archimonde can set size of Terrain making.
There is (1,2 and 3 size)

Guy spells:

<Wind Walk>
-Guy's colision is still enabled,you can use wind walk to fix that and be faster for a few seconds.

<Shield bash>
-Guy can stun his oppoment for 1 second and damage him with 20 damage.(30% chance)

<Critical bash>
-The same like shield bash but without critical.Cause 75 damage and stun for 2 second.(10% chance)


If you wanna create Picture for Map preview or loading screen send me it on e-mail:
[email protected]

If you find any bugs or tips Create new thread :)


escape, demon, maker, making, map, maze, size, special, jumping, freeze, guy, anim

Demon maker 009 (Map)

19:43, 11th Jan 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
You used many really bad systems.
1. Players must wait while archimonde is creating the maze.
2. It`s really hard to build good maze as archimonde, because you must switch abilities, use ability to place things, etc.
3. There are no doodad, that can be placed to polish the maze.
4. Overall small number of "killers" which can be placed.
5. Same with items.

So far the map can get 1/5 from me and my vote for rejection.
I worked on map a bit.


-Added twice Demon maker
-Changed escaper model (two models of Escaper [Random select])
-Changed terrain types
-Fixed many bugs
-upgraded animations and effects
-Created Chat system [say -info]
-upgraded kick system and removing system
-upgraded Making system
-Archimondes can walk ! xD
-Now when you are in ice,you can get items.
-Archimonde can now removing items
-Block bounce your angle
-Escapers can changing his (color,size,transparent,name + two modes (ghost,disco))
-(and a little more thinks which i forget)