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You can use this for any Night Elf female.

It doesn't have to be a Katy Perry hero.

But, if anyone wants to put a elf Katy Perry
character in a map, that would be amazing.

Katy, Perry, female, woman, elf, human, hot, babe, archer, night, sentry, sentinel, purple, blue, hair

BTNNEKatyPerry (Icon)

05:04, 21st Feb 2016 Apheraz Lucent: Fine alternative to Archer, and Priestess of the Moon models. This icon could heavily benefit from just a bit more shading, but it's useful nonetheless, and approved.




05:04, 21st Feb 2016
Apheraz Lucent: Fine alternative to Archer, and Priestess of the Moon models. This icon could heavily benefit from just a bit more shading, but it's useful nonetheless, and approved.
WIPs and Master - See thread for her transition into a night elf.


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No, I'm talking about the icon, I know it's made by him, it just that I find it too real !
I know. I wanted to just make a very realistic piece and then try to make it look more cartoony in the end. But as it turns out, that is harder than it sounds. I did try to paint some thick lines over the icon version from the last WIP to try to make it less gradient, but it was hard to make it look like a drawing. I think the issue is that I used the soft brushes instead of like a pencil. I might try doing these by hand in the future and then scanning them into the computer.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
You could achieve the same Blizz style just by putting heavy emphasis on details and building outlines. Something I do with all my char icons, for instance.


This icon tho, it's got a bit of angle confusion. Her nose appears more like something that'd we get if we looked at her from nearly frontal angle. Nose is also the reason why the whole face looks a bit deformed, or shall I say, missplaced. Lips could be just a bit bigger, and eyes are really too small. Last thing would be to try to give her a more sharper edge for shading her head shape - she looks a bit too round currently. A stronger (but not more manly) chin line could achieve that, like I did with my Silver Rose and Spring Fae when I've got the same issue (first and last icons referenced). There's a lot of shading done on her neck, but none on the face itself, and that's why it happened.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
The main things that I feel need work on is the eyes and nose.In addition to what Aph said,the eyes look lifeless and odd,as if they are just black holes.You should adjust the nose so it looks more like it is shown from a sideways angle.She could also do with some shading on the face,since it looks very pale and without color compared to her neck

Other than that,it's quite interesting to see a icon based on a real person and I think there should be someone that can make use of this.3/5




As far as I can tell that this Katy Perry Icon of yours looks Asian.

Overall = Perfect-oh.
I don't like gray backgrounds in wc3 icons very much.

I was thinking about changing the tint maybe for night elf. Maybe green. Any thoughts on what color it should be?


What about this?


Added 2 more.


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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Eyes are still too small, nose still gives false angle illusion, and her bones aren't anatomically correct for face structure, so it's all the same. Also, NEs tend to have white or light blue eyes. Not red :p
But it could have more uses as a NE, maybe for alternate Priestess of the Moon icon.
placement and proportion of the nose is off. compare it to your ref pic (which is undoudtedly this), and you'll see the extent to which it's misdrawn.

legal_ease you've shown promise with your good shading and unique ideas. my advice to you is:
- use gimp. it's free and has much more utility than the web app you've been using.
- draw a layer of line art (using your ref pic) before you start colouring and shading. this will make your life easier for keeping anatomy and structure correct (which, as apheraz has pointed out, is not the case with this icon). keep that line art layer saved, and refer to it constantly when shading/colouring.
- (optional but recommended) aim to make, as you said before, "a good icon" rather than a "perfect image". certain elements just don't lend itself to a wc3 icon like grey backgrounds and a photorealistic style (or subjects, like a real celebrity's face, that demand a photorealistic style). again, this goal is optional (and a photorealistic icon atop a grey background can still get approved if it's good enough), but key to having the right mindset when designing & drawing an icon.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Now she's got actually feminine face shape :)
Now to just fix the nose and you could do whatever else you planned, details or anything.

Nose is still way too wide. If you look at the icon, it starts right where the lips start, same line. I wouldn't like to meet a gal with nose as big as her lips :)
Now she's got actually feminine face shape :)
Now to just fix the nose and you could do whatever else you planned, details or anything.

Nose is still way too wide. If you look at the icon, it starts right where the lips start, same line. I wouldn't like to meet a gal with nose as big as her lips :)

Well, I like girls with all different sized noses, but maybe you like this one better now. :)


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the ne version looks good, but has some minor flaws:
- feel like her hair covers up her ear a tiny bit too much, just looks a little strange
- either her cheekbone is incorrectly drawn & shaded, or her hair shouldn't be casting that shadow judging from the rest of the icon's light source
- her nostril could be a bit smaller
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I felt like I couldn't explain with words how much just a bit of dramatic shading would heavily benefit this icon, so I went ahead and took my liberty to do this and that to show you the possibilities.


As you can notice, just the shading was enough to shape the jawbone for a more feminine appearance. I've also shaded the eye make-up, and gave just a tiny bit of highlights to the lips. Since you made the light source coming from in front of her, there was little room for dramatic shading, but do notice that her hair casts shadow on her forehead, the right side of her face is darker apart from the eye, and the jawbone is nearly blending in with the hair. Just those little things made the icon pop out and blend in with Warcraft III ladder icons nearly flawlessly.
I've also used a trick, which is a 75% opacity, 1 pixel black brush, and I drew the outline on the upper eye parts. I've did the same with lower eye parts, but with 30% brush opacity. It made her eyes stand out and more wide/bigger. I didn't want to change the hair too much, as it would heavily modify the icon.

I hope you're not angry at me for freely drawing over your icon, but I do hope you might catch a thing or two from this example :)
Taylor Swift icon. That'd be the day.

Well if we can't get more activity, guess we can always swap to being Hannah Montana fan site, right?

Life what's you make it, so let's make it rock.


Ugh, on-topic. The icon looks very blurry, you should sharpen it more. Apheraz Lucent gave you a really good explanation.
I don't mind using my icon in an example. It can be helpful.

However, I think my icon blends better with wc3 style.
I think I could improve it by making it sharper, but your changes make it look rounded and less realistic. Though wc3 is a little cartoonie it is also high quality and attempts to mimic real life (about 75% realism). My NEs sharp jaw and cheek bones are almost very close to what wc3 females display. While the orginal Katy Perry may have been too photo like, the NE version is about as close as its going to get. I'm not sure what your fixation on small noses and chins is, but I like women with prominent facial features. Also, the removal of the back of the head makes your final version look mutated. I've noticed this in most of your icons. Your heads lack a sufficient dome/cranium. It's a common mistake because heads are a lot bigger than we think they are. We think heads are just faces and don't notice how for back they go, but in reality eyes are in the center of the head in line with the ears. Also, the jaw reaches the ear. Your ear is too far back from the jaw because you made the jaw smaller. I guess it's not fair to pick it apart because you weren't starting from scratch but it's just I don't like the way the modified one looks. The color is touched up a little though in a nice way and it does give me ideas about how to accentuate facial features. The green could be even brighter and the purple deeper. The eye brows should probably be sharper too.
