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Classic SD Icons Upscaled

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
CommandButtons, CommandButtonsDisabled, and PassiveButtons in the SD client upscaled to 4x using Real-ESRGAN ncnn Vulkan.

See the my second reply for an attached compressed archive with all of the icons.

btnacidbomb (Icon)

Level 12
Jun 17, 2023
Upscaled the images contained in commandbuttonsdisabled and passivebuttons. All icons attached to this post are 256x256px in .dds format. For online play map usage I would suggest resizing to 128x128px and deleting any alpha channels present. Considering the significant majority use a screen resolution of 1920x1080px or below [Browser Display Statistics] icon sizes do not need to be over 128x128px and you may be able to get away with 64x64px if map size is a concern.

Yes disbtncage, disbtnmagicvault, and pasbtnengineeringupgrade are in the commandbuttons folder. That's how they extracted using CASC Explorer and I'm going to assume that's what path they use in the game client. The same paths show up in Reteras Model Studio's Data Browser.

The passive and disbtn icons all have borders though

The images in the game client have borders. The hive icon uploader auto adds all borders on the assumption the uploaded icon is without borders. If someone has a collection of unbordered SD client images I could batch upscale them. However I am not going to individually upload thousands of icons to the hive.


  • WC3IconsUpscaledx4DDS.7z
    47.8 MB · Views: 29
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