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  • Greetings, I am canario0896 and I would like to ask your permission to be able to translate your campaign "Lord of the Clans" into the Spanish language.
    I'm sorry for my English, and thanks for everything.
    Hello. You may do that. But maybe wait until release of 3.0 next year...
    Thank you very much.
    What to wait for 3.0, do you mean the next version of the campaign?
    Sorry for the late response. Yes, that's what I meant.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Bundle) With Blizzard making an ass of themselves in regards to my ability to replay your brilliant trilogy. A set of maps that made me buy the books and that I have replayed. All of which speaks volumes. Darn Reforged, all that hope for nothing.
    Just wait for the non-PTR version first? Hopefully that will be safer.
    Also please submit any feedback on the thread here or on their official thread. They need the feedback and looks like no one is really writing anything of value.
    I am not making my changes on the PTR. Unfortunately I dont have to report anything because of that.
    Ah. I thought you made the changes for chap 1 on it, that's why.
    Just read" the current state and future of my projects - Part 2", and i must say i can't wait for summer 2021. That LOTC update sounds amazing! Do you plan on making him a hero with constant abilities throughout the whole campaign, or will his active abilities change when he becomes a shaman (with the passives we have staying)?
    i like the idea of summoning your own fire pit. I imagine it would be limiting having it only in certain locations. Does the fire pit have any other uses besides changing abilities?
    You can summon the fire pit anywhere but is costs 1-3 lumber per second you have it. Also it has a healing aura that also heals enemies so it is not adviseable to summon during combat. Besides that you can use it to buy stats (agi/str/int) with gold or cook animals like rabbit (agi), pig (str) or raccoon (int) for temporary but high stats.

    Your fire pit is a hero ability so you can spend attribute points to inprove all its abilities.

    Fire pits around the map (that you dont summon) have higher healing and can be used for fast travel.
    Nova Covert Ops vibes?
    Hey man, will it be too much to ask you to test your maps on the new SCII PTR? You could give most valuable feedback. I haven't used the Galaxy Editor more than seeing what's in it. I was too scared at the sight of its incredible godlike possibilities and super IQ necessity to understand it.
    Do you know how to work with that nightmarish Data Editor, especially on spells/abilities?
    You need to add the wc3 dependency to get examples for the easy mode/data collections. The are no dats collections for sc2 data.
    Yeah, that's what I want, easy mode for SCII too.
    So B.net has a means of protection then?
    Yes, you can publish maps unlocked or locked*. Unlocked maps can be opened in the editor freely by anyone. Locked maps can't opened (unofficially you can still open them with some tricks, but the triggers will be replaced by Galaxy code (which is like Warcraft JASS)).
    I can still edit my maps, but for triggers I either have to edit the Galax code, or I have to painfully recreate all the triggers. If I ever decide to work on the maps again, I would actually try to recreate the triggers as I can use the Galaxy code as a blueprint.

    *I prevously used the term "private", but I meant "locked"
    Maybe there are some sort of convertors, code->GUI something.
    Hey man, loved your campaigns, was wondering what you think about Reforged and campaigns?

    Personally I think classic is best for multiplayer but Reforged offers a lot of cool new opportunities for campaigns at least to me personally what do you think?
    Hello. As far as I am aware Reforged does not support custom campaigns yet. I will buy it when it does.
    Thats what i mean i assume custom campaigns will be coming eventually.
    Generally I am in favour of creating any kind of custom content for Reforged graphics - only the lack of HD resources is making it tricky. Personally I would like to have SD and HD versions of my projects in the future.
    Dear OutsiderXE,

    Regarding your last post. There is a goodway to deal with such thing (other than backup ofcourse).

    what I started doing is, I put the "To Be ChangeLog in Next version" and put it in my map description before I upload the actual update. I keep update description of each change in detail, small or big. This might help.

    though I can imagine if you wrote long trigger, especially if it was cinematics.
    Thank you. I keep notes like you describe. But there are always some creative things I cant exactly reproduce like terrain or camera angles. At least some things were jist tricky trial and error with triggers and data, which I can make faster now. ...
    Hey OutsiderX

    I wanted to ask you,

    in campaign, are you able to rename a map? or do I have to export it and then rename and then import?
    Hi, I always export, rename and import. I don't know of a way to rename it directly.
    Map Designer
    Map Designer
    but that might break some stuff so i have to do it in early stages/versions yes?
    No. From my experience it does not break anything. Just dont open the map while it is outside the campaign editor.
    Hi I play your campaign day of the dragon but when finish chapter 5 next chapter cannot be loaded and the whole game freezes I have to turn it off I have never seen anything like this in any other campaign
    Hello. Thanks for the report. I know the campaign is not very stable in its current state but have never read about crashes like this. Which version are you playing on?
    magic satyr
    magic satyr
    Hi again I playing on version 1.31 I had to quit mission when campaign 5 was finished then turn off the game again and then chapter 6 was loaded but I noticed that since chapter 3 I missed campaign 4 and 5 but I had this similar problem a long time ago in campaign curse of the forsaken that some chapters didn't show up and one more thing when I played chapter 6 so its name is different you changed something in this campaign?
    Almost. I have a few modified units, but they always derive from a base/custom campaign unit. I don't have a single object that is specifically created in a map file. So, even if a specific unit is used only on a single map, usually it be exist in a campaign file.
    Map Designer
    Map Designer
    I think that problem only occurs on ability fields. at least to me.
    Yes, I think you are right and then my problem was also about abilities and not units. It's been so long that I had custom data in a map file... Definitely move all your custom stuff to campaign and clone it for unique stuff. Use editor suffixes to separate them. Seems like a hassle at first but you will be glad to have the overview.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) +https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/reforged-code-is-broken-lazy-mess-beware.322088/page-3#post-3401280
    I there! Im from Argentina, so sorry for my bad english.
    I will be very pleased if you let me translate your campaigns to Spanish. Im part of a very big Latin American Warcraft 3 Communnity and they will be very interested in undestand better your amazing campaigns, since not everyone have a decent level of english.
    Hello! This is a great offer!

    I have seen that WC3 Reforged allows the usage of different languages within the same file, so we would no longer have to create multiple files for various languages. Currently, I am also working on additional updates for the campaigns.

    I suggest we wait until we have access to these language features and my updates are complete. Then we can work more efficiently on it.
    Thanks for the answer!
    So, i will wait, but i've lost hope on Blizzard getting us what they promised a year ago :(
    Hi, its me again (It's a greeting that I always do)

    I was carrying out the translation of this campaign, 1 year ago I asked for permission to do it and I could not continue it because of problems I had, where all the information I had was lost, in addition to the updates he made.

    I was in several projects, one of which was wc3 rebirt, in Undergrund, and also, translated much of megaman zx...

    Alanmar I can help?
    hablo español, soy de Bolivia.
    So, hey, do you want to make Reforged versions for your campaigns too?
    I know :(. But at least nobody will have to create new separate projects from the scratch.
    Preferably there will be a toggle that allows switching between custom sd and custom hd. Maybe they created sd versions of their new hd models... Maybe I will keep the original campaigns with the old gameplay on Hive and create separate projects for Reforged. I will need to get Reforged to decide.
    Reforged is coming to Hiveworkshop too.
    Hi my bro i need help im new in this site
    I have question plz answer me
    1:how i can download latest version of your campaigns
    Like day of dragon or last guardian
    Because i download from hiveworkshop and its not latest version!!
    I see your videos in youtu.be channel
    Day of dragon 3 new chapter with krasus
    And i havnt that chapter!! /
    So you update links in hiveworkshop or just Update in your website
    Im confused :(
    And i love your campaigns very good
    Because make on warcraft books
    And its diferent of you man❤️

    For 2 i make new account in hiveworkshop
    How i can Learn to this site
    How can find Guide
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) I thank you for your insight and your positive feedback, as well as for inspiring me to start this project
    Hey man, I just noticed you're working on some major updates for your campaigns. In case they're still being used, just wanted to let you know I'm going through my old resources and fixing/improving them, although it will probably take a while to do all of them.
    You can find them here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/loktars-resources-projects.314303/, There's a changelog near the top with an overview of the updates. Stuff that's only "optimized" or "sanitized" is probably not worth the effort of replacing them though.

    Looking forward to your updates, haven't played the campaigns since back in the day and I'd love to revisit them :D
    Hello. That's great and timing is perfect. I look forward to looking through your updates.
    Greetings, I am canario0896 and I am interested in talking with you in private.
    Hello. Try OutsiderXE#9187 on Discord or [email protected]

    And yes, you have my permission to upload videos of my projects on youtube^^
    Thank you for answering me, I will take it into account the next time I need to contact you, and finally thank you very much for granting my permission (although I was surprised that you knew why I wanted to talk to you XD).
    Thank you very much, sir.
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