• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Of course, but if we know each other through Warcraft modding, surely you'd want to know how things are in regards to my world as a modder!
    Upon reviewing it, it's actually quite annoying to implement without making the viewer messy.
    The feature itself is extremely simple, but it doesn't really fit with the design of the viewer.

    So...I probably wont bother.
    Okay, I think that now's the right time for a cleaning seeing the reply that picture got.

    Also how's the work with that dragon model you were doing in sc2? :)
    Yeah, I don't like him either :>

    I'm not one to be asked but seeing the slight flood I'd personally clean it a bit, though it depends on what you think it's best.
    No, that would be very easy, and we talked about it literally years ago. As long as Ralle isn't doing anything, there's nothing to do.
    It's all about the face.

    I mean, like, look at my skins, all of them have stunning faces without outlines, and without exceptions, they have smoothed shadows and gentle execution of light sources. When having a face that pretty, nobody really cares about what armor the heroine wears lol. That's why drawing a face takes me 50% of time from overall time spent on a skin. Besides, unless for big details, it's the face mapper care about, for it is shown on the portrait.

    As for the skin... Well. If I get the full unwrap and the model, I might be able to think up of something pretty for her. I'm not sure I understood, but her face and crotch areas are custom? I mean, like, one can texture up the shorts very easily if one knows what she does (remember my Christmas Chick Jaina skin from 2010 where I managed to make shorts with minimal efforts http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/christmaschick_byapheraz_v2-blp-183922/?prev=status%3Dr2%26u%3DApheraz%2520Lucent (I should revamp that skin and upload it tho)). Also, for hair, one can add up some bonus hair on the face texture. As for the length, she can have anything from just bangs to being completely bald, over bob helmet haircuts, all the way to my Sylvanas Jaina skin where I've used maximum length the model can give, with just smoothing out the sharp edge.
    Well at the moment I'm doing a Sylvanas x Jaina crossover - which is dead sylvanas on Jaina model. Kinda like Forsaken Priestess thingy.
    Eh, when he first uploaded that model, it used Cloudwolf's skin for Turalyon.

    It isn't a problem now, though, he changed it.
    Check the skins section. I'm pretty sure that guy that made the silver paladin model took the texture for the head from there.

    Looks like he changed it in that new version, actually.
    Yes, but I think I'm mostly done with Warcraft 3. Still watching what everyone else is doing, but I don't have much time for modding anymore. For the past couple years it's been something I've set time aside for during my winter and summer breaks, but now it seems like a bad idea to even bother with it then.
    Sigh, i know, i don't have much free time as before. I think also i would do the work in a rush without the right attention it deserves.
    what is the name of the website for skibi castle, funny bunny egg hunt, blizzard's TD, Azeroth GP and monolith
    do you know anything about map named WarChaser? why i doesn't have that map
    It takes a lot more than just having references. The fact I can draw in wc3 style nearly flawlessly now is due to how much time I've spent playing/modding it.
    I know how to shade it, from which angle, and how much.

    If I'd ask you to do a HQ model in the style of Lineage character, you'd feel the same :)
    I'm doing great, thank you.

    For model textures, well, it would depend on what needs to be done. So what needs to be done? :)
    If you have to make big changes on it then i dunno when i will be able to do it :S, so if you want to ask another texture there's no problem!
    I don't really care, so long as you don't bring personal preference into it. unless specifically stated, my Demon Hunter is not Illidan. I could have given him a big, red demon form with tons of horns and no wings if I wanted, and he would still be a Demon Hunter.
    Ah bugger. I read your comment the other way around :p

    Anyway, yeah. Lars it fuked up.
    Pa ne znam sta vise mogu da uradim. Tamo pricaju kako sam samo dodao onaj shoulderpad, wrapovao sam i telo, i novi mac sam napravio. Valjda nove animacije bi zadovoljile, ako uspem da ih napravim.
    model edit ? how to put invisible platform on the unwalkable doodads like archway. i searching for a method like pyraeus did on his map blood elf 1 the log bridge beside the undead base
    Okay. I think I'll do it with vertices instead, because a texture might have more size.
    Can I get a texture in Google for a logo to attach on a model I'm making?
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