• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Reputation (+5):
    (Post) (+5) =O It's Asomath reviewing maps! (I've repped you a lot lately, haven't I? =P)
    Reputation (+10):
    (+10) Counterstrike at Quel'Thalas or Revival of the High Elves, it is! A mod by Daelin.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) Although I saw all of this through streams and other links, I absolutely love you for doing this. <3
    Hey :)

    I've started working on another cinematic and I was wondering if you might be able to get your voice actor team to do a few characters for me again.

    Thanks in advance :)

    hey asomath i read ur tutorial and u seems like very pro about boss fights...

    I have a diablo 3 project and i was hoping if you can help me create a boss fight triggers?

    or you can lend me some cool maps to copy the triggers...coz im still learning GUI...

    Hmmmm any way you could make the cello a bit more subtle in it's part (at least the first time)?
    The guitars are smooth and then when the cello comes in it has a bit of a a harsh entrance. Other then that the piece is pretty great overall, I'll post this in the thread now (to show the piece to everyone else) but if you could fix that one detail it'll be perfect
    I love the guitar sounds, it sounds great
    But could you make the Ocarina fade in when it comes and out?
    That's pretty much the only thing that needs changing

    K, did a more ambient type of piece for the human rac.
    I'm thinking a theme for just general playing as humans, sc2 showed that more relaxed pieces work fine even for battle situations.

    I'm imagining it being very flowing, with the non-guitar instruments fading in when they come in and fading out when their part ends. Also if you could add some wind ambiance that would be nice.
    Oh and the piece I did for the challenge with watchman just turned out bad imo, it was meant to be partially in 8-bit but that sorta didn't work out

    Got something for you - note that the rhythm of the velocity of the violins and cello when they're playing that 16th rhythm is very important to the song, that needs to be right for it to work.

    I was originally thinking of a Tension theme, but I'm not sure that's the best description anymore, I'd think a tense theme to be a bit atonal. I'm sure it can be used somewhere in the project though.
    Wow, those horns and strings sound really good
    I was thinking that to be a menu theme, but this could probably fit many situations now

    So chorus in general is out of the question now?
    I know that you have been asked this alot.. but how do i make my boss cast flame strike in a random area?
    Nice to see you're back, you ever get back on that menu theme we were working on before you dissapeared? I haven't really wrote much since then, aside from that unfinished WIP I posted in the thread - like everything else little has gotten done since then anyway (little else being shown - TWIF has said that they've been doing some coding but as always when it comes to the coders I have my doubts).

    Though Grey has made some interesting developments graphics-wise in being able to replicate a Cell shading type effect in the map by messing with the lighting. This gives the project an interesting art style that makes it unique, pretty cool that Sc2's lighting editing is powerful enough to do something like that.
    1:26 - something about the higher chorus sounds a bit out of tune

    Also any way you could give the lower chorus in that section more presence, it's pretty difficult to hear.

    Only other thing really would be if you could make the Piano a bit softer in sound/on the attack.

    Sounds pretty good aside from that
    Wow, I'm actually surprised how well the Piano fits into the sound when you said you were changing it because it went out of the range of the chorus
    The first voice can be for the naga in question, while the second one can be for the one that has more dialogue. The naga that talks about the appointment is more masculine which is why it would fit perfectly.

    Yeah I can hear the failure, anyways sounds fine
    It was just sounding slightly odd in MIDI so I wanted to hear what it'd sound like with VSI's - thanks
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