• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Yeah you could tell me what exactly you are looking for P:,

    I need image to work with first. render or stock
    hmm could you plz send me an link to pastebin on that map which does not work.
    ill try to compile with my version of wc to see whats wrong... if everything will work fine here then y its coz of version... i suggest you to get newest one 1.23 (currently) 1.24 is in progress.
    you must remove this lines from spell:

    unit array udg_Chimeara

    remove this lines or put them under comments.
    then in GUI create new variable and name it Chimeara, type Unit and enable array.

    thats all.
    Ok, i use imageshack but sry um can you put the other stuff up again cuz the "imageshack" got in the way :/
    Hey man do you know how to customize a website link, like make a button and put the website on it and it takes you to the website when you click it. Another example is like when people have "my icons" on there signature were you can click it, i dont know how to do that.
    Object Editor -> View ->Show as rawcode (or something)
    Do the same way to make the view defaUlt again
    thats correct! about getting custom abilities id-s go to object editor select spell you want and then go to View->Display Values As Raw Data

    to disable it do the same thing!
    Whenever you think such situations should not happen, make use of the "report" button.
    Although i honestly guess this report might be ignored.
    And yeah, he's in the staff you know.. :p
    Hmm, maybe work on the magic one then make another one another day.. and so on.
    so then we can put ours together to make that thing, but we need to make them some/what good some zombie doesn't do that.

    But ya i did that like when i started until like i dont know when but then i stop because its stupid.
    Yeah, but hey um tell me when you have your smudges icons rdy ill make one or two tomorow.
    well its like that on beginning! once you get used to it, it will be good. about jass craft its the best tool to learn Jass! so keep it up. if you have some hard time understanding some things feel free to ask.

    ~Dark Dragon
    trigger is basically an structured object like unit, location...

    // AUan = Ability Undead Animate Dead
    function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AUan'

    function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call BJDebugMsg("Spell Animate Dead is casted!!!")

    function InitTrig_AnimateDead takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function Conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function Actions)

    as you can see trigger is now created... it has event, condition and action
    simply create new trigger and convert it to custom text! then delete all code in there and past this one. note trigger must be called 'AnimateDead' without space... now save your map and cast the spell Animate Dead from Death Knight...
    I negrepped him already. If you really want to get into an issue which is no offence, but none of your business, at least give it a further insight. Besides, noone ever was punished with -25 rep removal, that is just stupid, since moderators can only give out -12. Also, I wasn't the one who discovered it, it was one of the Directors.
    Just the original is good ^^
    Even tho I've had an awesome day, this would really be the cherry on the cake if I could post on it :/
    unfortunately, I can only read it =(
    F*ck, I've missed such an epic fail-moment :eek:
    I was at an amusement park with 2 emo's and another guy xD

    Can you link me tha map? :cute: at least I want to read the posts ><
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