• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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    There is an admin contact which is useful in moments like these.
    Yes, it's for times JUST like these.

    * Pushes NearbyHermit into the admin contact *
    Hey Pyritie,
    I got a challenge with Wherewolftherewolf but forgot to ask for approval first.
    We actually started yesterday evening. Would you like to check it out and see if it still can be approved?
    When exactly? Last was on 10 April and contest is over in 9 days (well soon at least).
    About WIP for Voice acting. Is it to late to submit or will there be new post for them?
    Hi Pyritie. Did that is not too late for me to enter Voice Acting Contest? Shuld I post wips?
    Well if you promise those are temporary I might not unleash my furry on you.
    Those Notices are driving everyone crazy. You should remove them unless you wanna see how Moose defeats a Dragon... from first person wiew!
    hmmmm I noticed that Fanny.Shaver was disqualified, why? If it was music theft I kinda suspected that as it seemed a bit higher quality then I was expecting and didn't seem exactly made for the theme

    Also about the music contest, I've been thinking that the entries should be put in some place were they can be kept track of in case someone wants to listen to some of the old entries or find some good music for their maps or something. I just want to get your opinion on the idea of perhaps like a stickied thread or something in the music section with all the entries from former contests (of course with the artists permission) so they can be kept track of.
    Pyritie, are you sure these miscelanous awards are a good idea? I mean Awards should be something serious like if person won a contest or donated to the Hive, and this your joke is... well it ruins the immportance of the awards and I'm sure people will start to doubt if we actually need awards after that, and thats wrong. Award should be recieved only from a serious reason like just beeing awesome or something making epic models.
    I understand that after endless battling of spam your brains might have transformed into cinamon roll, but you still should be serious, I mean you're most popular user at THW and modderator, you shouldn't act like this.
    lol, well I still wanted my avatar to slightly match my name and growlith is more of a dog then a wolf so I figured Mightyena fitted best. I should probably dig up an animated one, or If i can find the frames (same place I found this one) I can animate it myself.
    I actually wanted to take Heracross, but there are no good animated avatars on the internet D:
    Pyritie, what should I do if I see a guy advertising on his signature?
    This guys does and I don't know what to do because its a sig, not a post, so altough I know how you hate that, I'm forced to ask you because you're such a beacon of light and spamkilling.
    Its just the same like with those "lockerz" advertising things so I think you should do something with this too.
    Possibly so. You might want to clarify that it can be clicked, further on.

    People fail at common sense, you have to realise.
    Oh shit. I thought that was just my browser. Changing it right away
    Lemme bitch some more about the ominous rainbow announcement:

    This sparked some ideas: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/squiggy/gamecrafter_dk/

    Apparently, the guy thought the rainbow message was some kind of sarcastic clown-bullshit, which he ignored as he thought it was some lulz message only, as this pinned thread also indicates:


    "Sarcasm is dealt out in large amounts. Don't take everything seriously. You'll live longer."


    Some people might think the rainbow message is actually sarcasm or a joke of some sort. Sure as hell seems like one. Thus, I suggest you change the coloring to plain red and switch the title to "READ BEFORE POSTING."

    Could be more effective.

    (Yes, I care because I want rep.)
    Hey man, i came to ask you if you can make the judging deadline till April 1 on the music contest. Wolf and me have already talked about it and he said its fine with him.
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