• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • ... im new helps mez ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... the game
    hey =) i was wondering theres very few models of things like clothing instead of armour would it be possible to make some custom clothing? like t-shirts that go over a villagers normal shirt =) i wanted people who don't like combat in my orpg to still have a chance of looking fresh =D
    hey =) hows it going me and nfwar are making a new map =D enough times said =P hows your models coming along got any new ones? i wanna see them =D
    What makes you = sucha good modeler to:
    PUT CHACK AT HIVE!!! WTF!!!! You just waste your time :p
    I am helping to Lost_Cloud with map and he like your models :D
    You gona get creditzz :D be sure. I will work on it... how to show your name nicely :p
    hows it going im waiting for nfwar to get back online so i can do some stuff with the murder at the mansion? =) hows you?
    a quick tip on texturing i learned a few days ago, first use a 1 color texture on your model (i.e, just a screen, blue, red, etc), open it to UV, scale the points and move them where you want on the main texture (make sure to make as much room as possible. Then take a screenshot straight from the UV, paste it on paint, cut it so just the UVing square remains. save it and open that on your texturing program, then paint in the UV outline, like this you know in what shape to do your custom skin. You can always resize the image again ;)
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) because i like your models and you said that you want to create the fierce deitys sword. for these things, +rep =D
    ty ^^ they were both awesome i rated 5/5 tried to give you respect and mini modded them thumbs up =) GL with your next project
    hey sup my murder at the mansion is going good =D i got nfwar to triggert it all out for me =D its gonna be awesome =D
    kk i got a lode of new models to upload and test now XD =P hopefully i'll have alot of my armour and weapons done today thnx to my model searchthrough and you =) gl on w/e ur doin rite now and my murder at the mansion is siiick =D if you wanna help please do =) its hard on my own =D ciao
    dude did u get the kitchen knives done =)?

    Also i luv that shaman cap u made =) perfect for my hunter job =D
    Nice models ,Sunchips... and nice avatar... and... and you have nice flavour...
    nice hammer =) i left a comment and when i can you will have some more rep =)
    Lol i thought of a quick model you could do i wanted a kitchen knive =) so for example in a murder at the mansion they could grab a kitchen knive =D or a butchers cleaver! =D
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) good to see that at least one person came asking for feedback. keep up the good work with your weapon models btw
    whens your next model... im so pissed lol i haven't seen anything decent for ages since ur last model =) i would do texturees but none of the programs install on my computer proberly so ye =[
    same =) those shoulders own although you should start making full armour sets based on them like bear body armour =) or pauldron body armour =D they would be awesome so ye =) or maybe hats? bear heads as a helmet =) and a metal helmet that goes with the pauldron shoulders =) your ideas are flawless which is why i requested from you and not my personal modder o.0 as if i would request from him anyway hes only online 2 days a week XD so ye hopefully when i get a chance i'll send more rep your way you deserve to look more prestiged than what you are right now =)
    hi =) kk so i will send you a small list through a pm take your time =) and ye try your best =) i will credit etc =P plus u can distirubte on hive as well =P
    hi i wanna request some models and maybe textures if you do them as well =) im in a pickle and i like the way you do your models =) so give me a shout =P
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