• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • What do you mean "what's new"? ><
    You need to update it, not me :O

    By the way, why did you use "Position of (Triggering unit)" (check Sepimus' post in your map).
    Why not Facing 270 degrees? :p
    yeah xD

    So... you're gonna add a multiboard then?
    Seems useful in tournament, or you need to guess the score :p
    Great ^^
    So, did you play against the new AI?

    Anyhow, I was thinking... I won't update the map anymore, unless you need anything ^^
    If you do need anything, PM me, send the latest version of the map and tell me what I need to do :p
    Some ordinary commands, but I think the camera is better this way ^^
    I've sent the map by the way :p

    edit: ohh, damn...
    I forgot to remove your name in the map name -.-
    You should remove it, lol... I've added a little description (pretty crappy at the moment, but you get the point).
    I've already said it in a PM :O (didn't I?)
    Photoshop crashed and took everything with it xD ("Not enouh Memory")

    Well, I'm making the game look a little bit better, after that I send it to you and you do as you like with it :p
    Try to open it with WEU (World Editor Unlimited)
    It's a crappy program, I should change my standard WE -.-
    I didn't use any advanced functions or anything, but it can still disable the normal WE...

    Download it here
    I've sent it, enjoy

    edit: I was wrong about your rep, lol... I think I had someone else in mind ^^
    Nahh, I did this to do you a favour, not to get the credits...
    Just refer to me as "Special Thanks to: " lol

    (btw: add a description xD)
    Awww :(
    You know, I've made everything especially for you :(
    A win/lose condition (you can also tie), the game rematches when someone wins/loses/ties, the score will be calculated, I've added an "AI" so you can test it in single player, I've removed the leaks, I've made sure you can't select multiple pieces (double protection :p) and I've redone the terrain...

    But you can't play it :'(
    Yeah, I had to download a TFT ISO (both my CD's are broken ><) and re-installed it twice :p
    Now I need to reset every WE-option -.- (every color code I've used and stuff like that :sad:)
    hay, can you send me your map then? :p
    Erm, I've got a "little" problem, though... TFT won't start :p
    And my TFT CD is a little bit... erm... let's say "in bad shape" so I can't re-install it :p
    nm, mainly working on icons. every now and then my cousin n i will play on b.net but not really often
    uh... hey don't bother me, i have too much work, ok?
    don't have time to test stuff >.<
    I usually test maps in single player -.-
    I'm not really up to the multiplayer-testing, since I take my time...
    For some reason bmp-files automatically convert to jpg's when uploaded at the hive and convert to png-files when uploaded with ImageShack =/

    Well, here are the files anyway, convert them yourself -.-
    Here's the slash-ani: Slash-(1)
    I know it's pretty low-quality, but just say what needs to be changed and I'll change it, I don't have a lot of inspiration atm :(
    maybe you should continue to tweak that skin, it looks nice. :)

    i think you do need to learn by yourself. besides i'm too busy.
    I think you need to stop doubleposting in my visitor messages or i'll grind you myself!

    yeah.. lemme see that skin, PM me
    We didnt steal anyone's we got it at aorund the same time but met only a little while ago :p if u can see mine is mirrored
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