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  • Hi!
    Categorization is important.
    Both your maps have both the Altered Melee and Melee tags. You should remove the Melee tag, as that is not true for your maps.

    Cheers! :)
    I'm an old time melee player

    if enemy has 2 orc blademasters right from start
    they will rush in by hitting the obelisks and rush in with windwalk and harass the hell out of workers and will win in the current situation.

    now suppose we have 4 orc blacemasters ? how powerful would they do :ogre_rage:

    you may not be aware of many other melee builds that can easily screw up nax

    it's a 4v1 situation nax can never win if all 4 people know what theyre doing :)

    just my suggestion anyways it is your map
    I have nothing against it

    I really like the idea and I would really love it to get through and be played more
    I also want to make a video for this map too like the ones I did for malfurions quest and sunken city

    the idea I has in mind with nax is being a overpowered hungry demonic player who can attack the players at the beginning when they have less than 20 food army
    which will then force the players to defend and work together to save their selves and allies until they can teir up upgrade and produce units which are enough to make an attack

    a game of survival for both the 4 players and the nax player as they both will have to keep maintaining pressure on each other to not let the other overpower the other

    anyways all the best :)
    I'd still love to keep testing it until it reaches final stage
    and give suggestions if u want me to

    tested latest version

    can't say I'm very happy with the degrading health system
    it may be the thing needed only if Nax was imba powerful over others

    don't make the gates so powerful and open after 5mins
    true in melee game u can attack soon that's why I've been telling you to make Nax player imba powerful

    like untouchable until all players have 50-60 army atleast which is after 15-20 mins in game

    guarded by more powerful towers maybe

    still need something like rain of chaos infernals and demon spawns from time to time at a targeted location by nax player if he has to stand any chance

    edit : your map gives me much inspiration as a melee player and I'd love to play something like these with a few friends once in a while

    is it possible that we both could work on a similar to this soon ?
    I have to say
    you need to add some sort of unfair advantage of the nax player
    cause unless of that all players can easiler defeat nax if they work together

    nax should be able to like summon rain of chaos infernals , demon lords, maybe a really powerful hero after 5 mins into the game or something.

    as an old time wc3 melee player nax is the one who has too less chance to win at the moment even dispite of the skeleton warriors and the handicap advantage

    the skeleton warriors for players just give a bonus creep to kill after they kill one as theyre really weak

    maybe workout some costing upgradables for them too

    I'd love to play it. where do u play ? I hardly have any friends playing this anymore
    hey man!
    just had a run through curse of nax
    have to say it was reaal fun while playing against nax

    but playing as nax, got owned by insane computers real bad xD
    XD that's awesome! it would be nice to see a version with custom factions, you can watch my custom races album for ideas (i would love to help)
    btw, my english is awful too lol, so i apologize too (actually your english isn't bad)
    'sup man! i really enjoy you're last map *w* do you plan to expand it? (add more factions like blackrock orcs or dark iron dwarves)
    The point is, every mistake of this kind costs Ralle money,
    so even if you uploaded that map accidently, you could have used it for the new map.
    Hiveworkshop has also a policy of non-perma-deletion, if you delete something, it is not gone forever, but hidden.

    Just keep it in mind for the future :)
    Please do not multi-upload maps, update the old one instead
    I'm am working on my mod and will be working long into the future – because it is a huge altered melee + even an huger campaign. The melee map is about 70% done (took 5 years to get to that stage). The campaign will take a loooong time to finish, I currently made 5 chapters out of 40 that I planned. So yeah, a lot of work to do :D
    Nice designs man, I really like it.
    Your welcome!

    *support, btw. Just don't confuse 'less' and 'fewer', and you'll be fine, if you know what I mean...
    Reputation (+2):
    (Post) Keep them comming - can't wait to see more :)
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