• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • If it was a voice in his head, it should of had a 'thought echo' effect, but then again that would make it seem like a flash back. Anyways, you did a great job :) Happy new year to you too! Good luck in the contest! :)
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Horse didn't freak out from the thunder, voice wasn't muffled from the mask. Other than that it was good (. Y .)
    Youre a pro it wont take much of your time :D yes, ill post it once i finish it. Maybe it will extend 5mins. Thanks
    Thank you :) I really wanted to finish it tho. With you making those models for me and teaching how to animate, I really was going to make something good, but it's not gonna be finished for the contest which makes me really sad :(
    Sorry to disappoint you :( I have problems with my lessons and I cannot go much further with the cinematic :'( But i will finish it once i find time and post it on the maps cinematic section :(
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) I'm not really fond of reputation, but this one caught my attention in a twisted way. I'll relegate my post later but for now I can say that this one says: unique and intriguing. Well done my old friend, I like it.
    Yo, AP! Thanks for the cakeday greetings. ♥
    <span style="font-size: 9px">I had a dayum tasty one.</span>
    Hey APP,
    Do you have any idea why this fade doesn't work?
    It Fades in, but not out, however it should.

    call CinematicFade(bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEIN, 0, "ReplaceableTextures\\CameraMasks\\White_mask.blp", 100, 100, 100, 100)
    call CinematicFade(bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEOUT, 1, "ReplaceableTextures\\CameraMasks\\White_mask.blp", 100, 100, 100, 100)
    I speak for both of us when I say that It's a pleasure supporting the creation of good products.
    I have high expectations. ;)
    Thanks, but I doubt we (Shain & I) will finish our entries. What we've seen so far from you and others makes us quite certain that the winner will outmatch us. Also, we're both occupied otherwise.
    Ooops! I found one that controls Geralt's body! There wasn't a bone like this with another model I went crazy. Glad Geralt has it sorry for unnecessary message.
    Hey again APproject! I have started to work on animations. The one problem I have is I don't know how to move the whole body. For example I want an animation to make the character stand on its knees. I bend the legs and create the stance but he flies above the ground. And I can't find a bone that moves all the body. Is there a method to move it as a whole instead of moving everything one by one. It will take so long and is very open for mistakes.
    Hi , big fan , how's the AA map coming along , when could we expect it's release :D
    Where did you find these :D i saw your plague doctor model in one of them :D yeap the bad side of using utm is that. Tons of material, not many to use :(
    I won't do such a thing, i would owe you that model. Which sites can you suggest me tho, I can't even find another warcraft modding site out there? Not low but not high too, you must have seen my wip in the thread, i am using models from UTM and some from this site that I found fitting into the scene. I will send a PM then describing details.
    I checked out the ripping tutorial quickly I may not have time to do that for this contest but maybe for another one :D

    I dont want us to be disqualified bcz of this. My disqualification won't matter too much but I don't want to take your chance, you are the favorite contestant in the contest :D

    If you insist I will send another message with detailed information. For the good sites question I only check Hive's model resources. I know about w3c.com (I may remember it wrong :D) but I don't usually check there.
    I have no doubts about it won't be better :D But you spend time on these, I like your works, they're neat and smooth. Then your details add much more immersion to even WC3 :D I will not ask how you ripped those doodads bcz I don't want to make you write lots of things.

    About the character, I just can't find a suitable unit. I want a unit that I can use in every scene but the problem is, in one scene he will wear a battle armor and in another one he'll wear casual clothes but I want him to be the same unit. But I couldn't find neither a good unit nor a good armor set. I would be glad if you could help me but I don't want to steal your time, it may be a little too demanding and lastly, it may be against rules(maybe? bcz we're in the same contest and we are competing with each other :D)
    It was so awesome!!! I loved the sceneries and every unit. No out of place thing was in the cinematic. I also learned a few things from that as well :D How do you find all these models? You can't be making all of these by yourself :D I cant even find a good character for my cinematic :(
    Hey again AProject! I wonder how I can watch your previous work, the human error. I cant find it anywhere :( Can you provide me a link?
    Thanks so much for the quick tutorial. Now i can try and test how my animations work. I know a trigger called animation play alternate or sth like that but i dont know how to call the moderate or fast or any other name :( ill try to find that out too. I hope itll be worth my time and i cant wait to show my work to you as well. After i post the whole cinematic of course :D
    Thanks for the explanation! After i messaged you i managed to create a bad stand animation but ive got two questions:
    1)How can i name every each of these animations(between frames as i get it)
    2)How can i use another walking animation inthe game? I mean normally a unit walks using its degault walk animation but i want him to run more smoothly with my custom "run" animation. How can i make the unit use this animation while walking?

    I will create a nice animation if i can figure these out and thanks to you :D
    Hey AProject, I've learned today that I can create my own animations for models in Mdlvis but I don't know how since I know you are creating awesome tings I wanted to ask you about how to do it. You don't have to explain a lot just a few tips and how to get started is enough for me :D
    Thanks for the info ! Although I am not into using Medieval texture packs tho (Cuz they look so) :D Good luck in your cinematic (Just noticed you won the last contest, I shall be more professional in this :D)
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