• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Shadow Fury
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  • it doesn't matter how much better my life maybe because my mind is not the same. thinking is such a challenge for me now, the free flowing thoughts I used to have no longer exist. even to think a conversation requires me to mentally command myself to do it.

    everyone wants a life they can call their own, power they can claim their own. regardless my living conditioned I can not say anything's my own

    my success is due to my families wealth
    my hard work an effort accomplished by the opportunities they provide
    my character my thoughts my choices, theirs to claim.

    and nothings stopping you from researching the herbs you do not have. from walking into people's yards and taking herbs. from hiking till you find the naked lady or the hemp lock leaf

    I've only ever survived 2 weeks with out a supply and tent. then again it was because my family wouldn't let me go on longer, concerned for me bla bla bla

    there is nothing stopping you from inventing and creating. maybe the constricted time we all seem to have, but nothing else

    personally I would just like to create herbal infusions. milk, oil, alcohol infusions of a killometer of different herbs

    I could do that now but... when ever I plant herbs here my parents kill the plants by accident or through the services of gardeners and painters. it is ludicrous all the ways my plants have died. my herbs have been back buried alive, painted over, covered in rubble, transplanted to death...

    I want to get my own place. one far away from people... but I think that's likely never to happen as long as I work in partnership with my father. it's a million pound business but my contributions and pay, goes into my father's pocket. so how am I to get a place of my own.

    that's why I've started up side projects with passive income.... but they grow wealth so slowly
    it not part of the meditation... but even so you have a point. you can trigger it at any time with little effort, but it sucks if you think of it that way...

    personally I want to be a hermit. living in the wilds us just more appealing to me then having to worry about socialising and taxes. I've hunted before using only a bush knows knife and trap making is only of my hobbies, another is herbs. so I believe for me that life would be less stressful then being this me I am now.

    with out having to care about family, the world and money.... life would be so much better.

    no one knocking at your door
    no events you absolutely must attend
    no obligations other then looking after yourself

    what is your dream?
    meditation has nothing to do with forgetting about your life

    that's just something I added because I thought you might find it fun.

    meditation helps you understand your body better. when I was much younger I used to meditate for minutes... what I learnt was how to stop my heart and cause myself to die temporarily

    I thought it might be fun for you to experience that. when you die you truly feel bliss. total happiness. you can sense the world around you still but you just don't care, you feel absolute happened for about a minutes and then you start to bread again.
    You should try meditating then

    you would be surprised with the things you discover with it. it seriously feels like you've discovered super powers are real.

    or you can try what hiphop4eve says he does. walk around in circles and imagine lifes the way you like it. in his case, pony powers
    Not pleasant at all.People said I should talk to people but I'm afraid how people would react.I already get told everyday that I'm crazy.I'm just going to keep my faith and hope God helps me.If not,well I honestly don't know.The thoughts of suicide arose again but I brushed them off.
    too many sweets make your teeth rotten but no sweets and your Halloween is boring as carrot sticks

    those side effects are only on the condition of too much. weed isn't addictive.
    I would just like to take a break from life itself, like dying temporarily and coming back to life when I'd desire. My life is already crap and I am tired of living it this way but sadly things will not change soon.
    Exactly how I feel.Except I want a permanent break.I feel helpless and hopeless.

    P.S.Don't worry,I didn't read your conversation.I just saw that when I went to TLOC201's profile after giving him rep.Coincidentally it was also related to depression
    there is a drug you can take that turns you into a robot

    you feel nothing and you act on habit meaning less thinking needs be done
    people like us were ment to rule. I'm pretty sure I'll go insane if I do not end up running an empire by age 30

    sometimes I just feel like a need a break from being myself, but after an hour of being someone else the frustration becomes unbearable
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    still suffering depression every now and then

    one of my friends said it's a matter of intelligence. it's easier to be stupid and satisfied then superior and unsatisfied

    he said something like that and I kinda agree. my depression is largely caused by frustration which is cause by feeling unfilled. ...and bla bla bla I'm just not happy because I feel like I should be a living God on Earth but all I am is a Some what above average human
    Sure, I am going to add some nice 2D stuff, too
    Ah, it is going to be alright. We should make sure not to rush it, but prepare a decent preparation
    So, what is the next step for the script ?
    Well, if we have problems with something, we can peek there, to get at least an idea :D
    Hahaha, yes, you are right ^^
    Work for ya ;)

    I kind of wrote that it is a simple copy, but hm, I think it is unique enough to be approved, based on the gameplay
    Yes, sure, change whatever you want to, just giving some basic text :)
    Hm, I don't know, pointing out to some tutorials is a good idea, in my opinion

    1. No bugs/glitches

    None enjoys bugs and glitches allowing players to get an unfair advantage or abuse bugs for their own profit. A map should be as bug- and glitch-less as possible, to make sure players can enjoy the map and its features and to guarantee a fair gameplay.

    2. Not laggy

    Your map should not be laggy. Every played a map and lost because lag didn't allow you to react appropriate ? It is not amusing.
    Often trigger leaks cause lag. check out the LINK and LINK to learn about leaks and how to fix them.

    3. No crashes and desync

    You were about to win, but then you desynced or the game crashed ?
    Many different things can lead to a game crash or to the desync of players, you should always avoid actions that can do so.

    ( I don't know much about point 3)
    Dunno, I could, though I don't know what exactly belongs to the Other category, I think you added more or changed something, didn't you ?
    Any comment on the updated script ?...
    Oh, I have one thing to ask, so you talked about heroes in the review and to be honest I has also thinking I'd add heroes, but do you know of a good hero model that would match the theme of the map?
    hey >:D sorry to disturb your work but if you can set up a global ability for the dark hordes grunts that when 3 or more grunts are near each other they receive +10 damage and name the ability "Strength in numbers" and thanks again for partnering with me on this :)

    1. Tile Variation

    One of the most important points for the terrain is tile variation.
    Forest ground does not consist only of grass or leaves, but of many different kinds, as well as a steppe does not consist only of dried grass, but also of dusted dirt, for example.
    Of course, due to the boundaries the default World Editor sets map creators cannot use many tiles for one kind of environment if they have multiple and strongly different.
    though, you should have at least two, better three different tiles for each environment.

    2. No flatness unless necessary

    Nature is never flat. If you walk around in the nature you will notice there are everywhere little hills, stones and holes.
    Of course, streets in a town are flat, there are exceptions, especially for human-built environments

    3. No symmetry with certain landscapes

    No environment looks everywhere the same. A forest does not consist of trees grown in a square.
    If designing natural areas try to make them as natural as possible.
    For a forest, for example, a little pond area there, a flower field there, a rather dark, rough area with ranks and another one being rather enlightened and with less trees.
    A ruin does not only consist of uniform rooms and buildings, but of many different areas which fulfilled unique purposes, like a bath house, a market and living areas.

    4. Never use Blizzard cliffs for most map genres.

    Blizzard cliffs can be summarized in one word: Ugly.
    Try to avoid using them and use the custom height tools of the World Editor instead, it looks a lot more natural and gives your map a very custom and unique touch.
    Only exception might be Tower Defense maps, since it allows you an easy creation of pathing.
    You can avoid using Blizzard cliffs though with using pathing blockers.

    5. Decorations

    A forest does not only consist of trees and a river, for example, but of unlimited details like flowers, bushes, logs and much more! Use many of them to create a lively surrounding, no matter what kind of environment you create.
    A town does not consist only of buildings, there are flower pots, street lights, cars and much more!
    It is one of the most important points in terraining, since you want your environment to look good, don't you.
    Take also in mind to create different decorations throughout your whole map. A village does not consist only of living buildings, there are also market places, public institutions and much more.
    Ok, I have completed Alkane, Alkene, Alcohol, Carboxylic acid. But there one more known as Polymers. Mind describing the things I should study about it?
    So do you mean the Movee or Move trigger(s). Also I have no idea how to fix the Immortality trigger, even after the tutorials i read, just doesn't make sense.
    When you are fixing leaks and you use the custom string and destroy something like a location, does that disable that trigger?
    First, I swear I had a reason for that horse, but yea I'll delete it. So the terrain, the reason it randomly generates is because when i made the map i was very busy so i didn't want to spend the time to do the tiles and doodads. If that's a problem I'll figure it out. And how should I fix the leaks? I can't see them, and I have read the tutorial, but that doesn't make sense. Do you have any ideas of how to fix the leaks?
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