• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Ah, sorry about that, I went playing Oath in Felghana. I got my ass kicked by the boss so many times this week I wanted to give him some payback... I've yet to succeed lol
    If you want to show people "Hay I'm the master Vallass here" then master skin but if you want something new, then buy a new hero.
    Yep! And she uses the master skin :D

    Not just Vallass, every AssAssassins, Nova Terass, Kerrigass, and others as well. I hope the Medic will be a Assport.
    Yep! Look at her art in the Starcraft/Starcraft II Wiki and you'll see a ghost with overloaded Assness.
    Don't get sick bro :( The loli fire needs loli oxygen :( T_T

    EDIT: A late happy birthday to you bro!!!

    I won a lot with him, I love him so much, and without lag I'm sure I mastered him already(lel jk) and Vikings? How?
    your Abathur is a noob.
    Hey! :'| He's the only hero friendly for so much lag :(
    Happy Birthday !!! :as:

    The Cake !!
    Avatar: Valla-Demon Hunter
    User Title:"Hardly a Challenge"-Illidan(Demon Hunter)

    DEmon Hunter Love eh?

    Woot! Sorry for randomly popping without even introducing myself, I can't stop myself on that.
    Bolje su ove iz wolfenstaina
    I'm on Asia. :cry:
    And it for some reason is the laggiest online game I've ever played (LoL was great without storms and Dota 2 was okay sometimes). Still enjoying a bit though. Haha.
    Diablo sucks, honestly. The only viable reason to play him, at least to me, is to counter Kael's second heroic. (omg main revealed)

    Some of the kit synergies are good, but some are really shit.
    чекај, јел хотс још у бета фази или је изашао на сунце? и што не могу да пишем велика слова ћирилицом? ^^
    играо би да може комп да ми подржи игрицу :/
    ја сам играо са једним ликом хускар што се зове, плави трол у доти 1. разликује се по томе сто је једини херој кој се не бије на близину, а главни атрибут му је снага. има запаљена копља која скидају непријатељу хелте временом, али и теби скидају хелте уместо мане.
    ја више волим дпс тип хероја. ког хероја си користио у доти 1?
    сад играш са њом? она је беше тенк?
    Are you looking for an apprentice?
    Oh...How's life?
    I have been inactive due to exams but it will end soon after 19 june i am back to hive on full time :D
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