• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Wow it took me a while to understand that joke, but bam... why is his face red like his embarrassed... naughty.

    I've tried 3 anti virus and one mal ware. Nothing is working. It's a unique virus I believe. Which is why it's killing me a programmer.

    I've tried more then the common man could, but this virus is strong.

    "The Trees are strong my lord, it's roots go deep"

    "Rip them all out"

    and I've tired that, destroying the virus execution files, but it's powerful magic

    "The force is strong in this one"

    I've also tried rewriting parts of the virus, which is totally doable(meaning writeable file) but the program still triggers.

    so basically, I'm stuck
    Nope, I still can't access youtube

    but I seriously don't mind trying to be converted. Heck, I would go to a Muslim temple and see them try and convert me for a few good hours before I would get bored and leave. I'm confident in my own strength, none can convert me MWAHAHAHAHA!

    after all, I am Theo Lord Of Chaos, I have a faith to defend; Total chaos
    Sadly, diplomacy is just a tool. You haven't seen the power of it's illusion.
    Oh you, haven't seen the cost of warfare of your legions eh? :p

    Honestly, Hive 2 can use such warfare in the forum, like in the old days.
    So...You want to take over the hive ?
    So brony is the term huh. I just learned that today.
    I'm surprised there is a specific term for people who specifically watch that show.
    It's not bad, it's just hilarious to see that you're all 3 at once. I mean, 12-year old Muslim, okay, nothing there at all. The brony pushes it off the charts.

    Looking at your DoB shows me you're precisely 3 days older than my youngest brother who happens to be a muslim as well.
    is it your creation...?

    why does it mean so much to you? I think it's going to take a few months to fix this what ever it is, I was working for a while today to fix it up, but it seems to be spreading and all 3 anti virus I downloaded, can not detect it....
    Never watched it...

    and before you get all teary eyed, I couldn't watch it. There is something wrong with my computer that is baring me from some sites for some reason
    Well Love is letting your gay friend kiss you because it will make him feel better but make you feel used

    Love is getting your arm broken and telling your parents you fell down a hill when really your friend broke your arm by accident

    Love is looking after your friend when he starts coughing up blood and doesn't want to call his parents and instead you look after him because you understand

    Love is pissing on the same tree together

    Love is going to funerals with each other because you know they need your support

    Love is going camping without a sleeping bag and sharing

    love is jumping in naked in one bed, when your friend gets hypothermia

    Love is so many things then what our world see it as
    platonic love I believe is the word it is called by in the modern world

    I remember it as brotherly love but my brother was a jerk, so for these reasons I will call it love for a friend a friends love
    I've kissed one of my friends before... or rather, I let them kiss me... so you can imagine me and my friends are very close.

    I mainly like punching and giggling with them. Funny thing is I'll tell them, "I just feel like punching you so bad right now" because though I like punching, I don't like being punched.

    So by asking, it's like an invitation to punch and be punched which is better then not seeing it coming.

    Man I just feel so frustrated with out them. I want to punch and love something, but it's not there, and if I punch a girl it's called abuse. So I'm always going to surround myself with friends so I can abuse and love them :D
    Just stalked this profile of yours and when I looked at the top right of the screen, I was like "How young!" :b
    Acutally, I changed my mind a long time ago.

    6. Rarity - She thinks she is some hot shit or something.
    5. Applejack - Idk.
    4. Fluttershy - I like Kindness and yays.
    3. Twilight - Most mature of the six.
    2. Rainbow Dash - Coolnes level over 9000.
    1. Pinkie Pie - Happy nature, cuteness and candies. Yes, please.
    6) Applejack
    5) Rarity
    4) Twilight
    3) Fluttershy
    2) Pinkie Pie
    1) Rainbow Dash

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