• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • I'm sorry I kinda overlooked your message. I haven't made any progress really, but holidays are coming up and I'll see to it now. I'm on vacation the next two weeks but maybe I can get something done till sunday.
    Sorry again for the long wait :/
    You're really skilled... I don;'t even know how to do that.... can you hint me on that ?
    Hello, did u make the image borders and art for iceborn and acherons affliction yourself ?

    They ARE GREAT !!! Can I know which art tools u use ? :)
    Thanks for ur review AP ! And I really didn't notice the flamebird hotkey ! I fixed it. And the epithet fire special effect kind of looked ugly to me too so I changed it and I will sending u a screenshot,

    That map was just an old Alpha, the new one is better with more bug fixes.
    Thanks, you are in the credits !
    Thanks, im waiting for your reply however I am not as good as you.

    Can you check it and tell me how my campaign is so far? Its lacking a lot though and is a WIP Suggestions are more than welcome !

    Type "-Z" to get a full list of In game commands
    Type "-heroguide" for a heroguide
    Type "-move" to select movement system (WIP)
    Type "-lvlup" to level up +1 (will be deleted lateron after testing.)
    Type "hm" to restore life and mana full(will be deleted lateron after testing.)

    Tips :

    use stats points whenver you gain levels or the points.

    interact with random people can also give rewards !

    Suggestions are more than welcome ! Also critiscm is required.
    Well, nothing major. I am making a new system and the tiniest bugs cause major problems that I have to hunt down. Been doing this for hours!
    Oh, I thought you knew something coz I see your projects use high poly models and by any chance I thought that to reduce their filesize you reduce their polys. Thanks anyway. :)
    I just want to ask something do you know how to reduce polycounts from a model to reduce filesize?
    How is acheron's affliction going?
    I guess it all depends on your methods of making maps. As for me personally, I like to divide the game into many small chapters / rooms and I like to finish it completely before moving to another part / area of the map, so this means I also add music in the end of chapter, this helps to maintain the atmosphere and helps to shift it in the long run, but that's just how I do it.
    That's a good method! I agree with it.
    If you have some time I would be glad if you could give some feedback on this WIP
    Well, to me it seems pointless to discuss anything with him. Being so argumentative just because isn't really better than being stupid imo.
    As you can see, it's quite difficult for Makoodzaka to understand peoples' points.
    We'll it is my first time making the default spells some triggering help. I look for many tutorials though and try to do some of it and I think it turned out great. From this contest I learned many things. :)
    Oh, don't worry. :) Such a small mistake. I didn't even thought about it when I reply to you.
    Yes, I know that many pieces form one final, I just don't find these little pieces, but with the tags you gave me it should work :)
    Thank you :)
    Hm, I guess I have to try harder then.
    Thank you!
    Ah okay, thank you.
    I wonder that all Hivers with great Signature and Development Art skills state deviantart as their main source. I myself am not able to find any good material there..
    Hello, I would like to know under what key words did you find your Project 2D Art pieces ?
    Or did you made them yourself ?
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