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  • Okay, thanks for helping bro, also I don't mind getting penalized for posting that butt hurt image because I was aware of what might happen to my account in hive for that single post.

    Anyway, the reason I was asking you for the texts was to clear the dispute with Archimonde Supreme while he was on chat and right now I believe it is resolved, I think.

    Thanks again.
    Yes. I'm just saying that I united with Archy. I'll edit my post to say that I united with Archy only. No other offensive things.

    P.S. Erh, you didn't answer my question: Can the groupy description be 'decorated' with BB codes?
    I can't undo the deletes (nor see what was previously on the deleted post), I believe admins can.

    The butthurt message you've posted could have easily set others temper off.
    Excuse me bro, me and Archimonde Supreme is having a talk in chat right now, is it possible for you to give us the text of the posts (belonging to AS) you deleted. Thanks :D
    Thanks for accepting my apology bro :D
    I'd also want to clarify that I was not discounting Archimonde Supreme's contribution to the RACC group, I only informed you of what he has been doing. I also did 1+1(gimme a kiss) shitpost for the lulz lol.

    Also, to the best of my knowledge, I only kept posting "flat", I have no idea how that is bad. And it's on SE too. LOL?
    Yeah i know,as i said,i didn't want to bring RACC into this.We should have discussed the matter in VMs or PMs or kept it in the 3 word story
    Thanks,I was going to pm you anyway to sort out this matter.Didn't want to bring it into RACC.Can't even remember how it happend.(The post in RACC,not the conflict)

    Sorry for raging, insulting and posting crap in RACC
    Good day, I just came here to apologize for polluting the group with my post(s). Anyway, I hope that the RACC group will not be a den for people who loves bad-mouthing other users.

    Thanks bro, and again, I humbly apologize.
    Yeah I'll handle that Map you linked me earlier, I guess I'll batch up my desktop somewhere since I tried copying all my warcraft 3 files on my cheapo notebook, I regret doing it. lol
    Some questions, do you think that RACC needs an upgrade and eventually an independent website for RACC?

    Also, do you think that RACC needs to be able to have sticky discussions?

    P.S. (blame the black background, you know...)
    Starting my blade, should be finished late tomorrow. Hey, that looks nice, but the current looks nicer. :p

    Thats something else i thought about.
    I think RACC should help improve the site in general.
    Give feedback to resources,review maps,give suggestion in map development,help those in the triggers in scripts and WE help zone etc
    Hello there, howdy?

    Just delete this plz. Was just testing the revive trick.
    Yes it is, and to be honest whenever someone build up a computer shop, some other douchebag will also build up a computer shop and next to the first one. Good thing such competitor in our area died out, but kinda killed our branched out shop as well.

    Also Manila's University school belt is jam packed with it.
    Well in this case it was a no brainer. But I will keep it in mind in the future.
    Cops: This sector 4, I repeat, we got SCN in Sector 4! Copy.
    Cops A: He's viewing some forums...
    Its cool, I'm currently using my notebook right now, I'll try to decrease and try out some maps when I'll visit my shop soon, its a computer shop by the way. :wink:
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