• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Yes it is recent but it is full version and it is a campaign , also has good description
    Can you review and aprove Legend of Arkain by Shar Dundred ? campaigns take priority and it is full version
    Thanks :)

    Im currently posting a message for the roleplay it will be finished after 10 minutes,then i shall prepare my luggage and maybe come back if i finished it early xD
    Just going to prepare my luggage and we'll leave in 4 hours to the airport.
    Gonna stay for 30 minutes i guess :p
    Well, I asked my brother which submission did he like best and he said mine so I counted that as his vote not thinking there would even be a rule where you can't vote for yourself even though you can in far more official polls. It surprises me how people would react in such a hostile way honestly......
    damn I went off lol

    1. What do you feel about moderating maps?

    2. How much do you like moderating?

    3. Which did you like, being only a reviewer or being a mod but having more responsibility?

    4. Do you feel that the map mod rating system is important?

    I've died everyday waiting for it. I'm not sure if he even approves of my (not so) new Cataclysm sig, and I've worn it already. :[
    BTW man, you even rated my map recommended. Lol, I'm just surprised to see that, good you're thinking that way :)
    man you just made my day. A good review and thanks for the approval! I wish you become constant moderator ;)
    No. unfortunately i guess. The Wc3 community is dead... At least to me it is (ghost towns online and no one appreciates new/good maps) so I'm not messing with wc3 anymore
    Just a trial map mod? Show them what you're made up of. I kinda like the idea of you becoming a map mod. You always contributed to map reviews a lot.
    Haha yeah I don't post too much on THW, but I hope to post my map when its done, so there's that. ;3
    Then how do you "moderate" if you don't have those "staff powers"? Can you approve maps?
    Hey what does Trial Map Editor mean? And it looks like you're the only one here in the Hive. The chosen one!
    Heyas, I'll be logging out tomorrow for the whole day because my employees working on my shop will be out visiting their dead relatives and I'll end up in charge, so yeah leave me a message if you got something edgy in the moderation parts. :thumbs_up:
    Ofcoz it's for real, my dude.
    My frens only playing war3 but not making a wc3 map. So i used to modding around alone.
    I've never seen anyone in a trial stage before, 3 weeks is even longer...
    Oh......thanks for reminding me.......but I posted a thread in staff contact to delete that useless, obsolete sucker in something else...

    p.s. btw I have a new project from scratch -- MegaCraft 1 (it's based heavily on my UltraCraft series, in short, its a reboot and rename of the series)
    I have 6 alters, so far only about 48 heroes, maybe I should stop. Its tough making spells and tooltips for that many... manabars are cool.
    Thanks, actually i just want to ask some questions about CONTEST :p
    I will ask you when im unsure something, really thanks for your help :D
    you are not the only one peek Peoples Conversation, you have a friend did the same thing here
    All you really need it the blank but to do a cliff you need a special half transparent tile. I made this one from a standard tile and recolored it.

    This map has custom command confirmation, font, knocj back spells, mana bars and all item models. New resources too: Gemstones and Energy. It's a pain to make 72 heroes though and tons of items.
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