• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • So I think you're gonna like this; I've used almost nothing but icons for my Archbishop(Paladin) hero. It's gonna be great.
    Decided to do Worker models, but I had an idea while I was working on these three models.

    A farmer-type Worker with a scythe, having to continuously maintain Wards that look like crops, to keep up their foodstocks. Probably not gonn' do that, though.

    Anyway, gonn' do a Bishop next.
    ya received a prototype just in the last moment xD

    JesusHipster, you say? hm.. maybe.. first to get a bit more of the voodoo effects mesh done, tho
    So the Totem Hydra is finally animated :grin: although only basically.. i still gotta find someone who wants to tweak the death and decay anims, and to make one more stand and walk anim for me.. do you know someone?

    although i still gotta imagine the voodoo aura and linkage for the totems.. and what effect for launching darts?

    anyway.. i got you a working (i think) prototype, in case you wanna login to skype :p
    Runebreaker is done; I actually dunno what equivalent model I'ma do next.

    I kind of don't wanna do priest/sorceress equivalents. Possibly a worker? Or a Paladin. I'll have to wait on doing a Bloodmage equivalent; though a Thane would be cool.
    Well, true. It has a bit of dark and gritty in it. There is an incestuous couple, a few torture scenes here and there(which are honestly more visualized in the TV show than in the books), quite a bit of rape, and not so much murder as just people dying because it's war. And yes, characters - big, major characters, ones that you enjoy and grow to love - do die. Often, and without much warning.
    However, I am 5 books in(there is a total of 7 books, and 2 of them haven't been written yet) and my 3 favorite characters are still very much alive and kicking. So I would definitely not say that there is "no hope" - in fact, there is a lot of hope, even down to the point where it's pretty much "which faction are you rooting for". And most of all, Game of Thrones\ASoIaF is all about political intrigue. When it comes down to it, it's pretty much all about who's going to sit on the iron throne. And it's awexome beyond words.

    Without venturing too far into spoiler territory, I can tell you that Ned Stark(and the Starks in general), Jon Snow and Daenerys are all very much "good" characters, so to speak, in that they represent goodness, hope and justice\fairness, whereas most other characters tend to be pretty much either assholes or tricksters(Tyrion Lannister being another favorite of mine). Also, there is a lot of "redemption" going on in the latter books, with characters that you hated suddenly being the good guys, trying to atone for what they've done.
    Seriously, if there's any book\book series that I would say is absolutely a must-read, A Song of Ice and Fire is it. I have never heard of a person who's read ASoIaF\watched GoT and honestly said: "Nah, this isn't for me. I don't like it.". I don't think that's physically possible. :p
    Thanks for the comment! And let me answer your questions!

    1) I use Audacity, and I've stuck to it for multiple years for its reliability and simplicity.

    2) I use absolutely no vocal modifications for my goblin voice; my range leans toward middle-higher pitches, so goblins come more naturally I guess.

    3) I generally use a little bit of pitch adjustment for deeper voices like trolls, but I mostly use very minor adjustments like 2% or 3%, and the lowest being 10%, but I use that adjustment mainly for golems and such. I don't want to lower it too much because it makes your voice sound unnatural and lame xD
    Ah dannae, looks pretty cool to me. Then again, never seen GoT/ASoIaF, so I'm not the best judge.
    Oh man... You haven't?
    Dude, that one's an absolute must. Pretty much as good as fantasy gets. If you CBA to read the books then I suggest you at the very least watch the series, it's absolutely incredible. Even though, I would always advocate for the books, because they are just so much better in every way.
    Hmm. That's true enough, but I still think that Gryphon Riders, Chimerae, Tauren and Frost Wyrms fill a specific gap which isn't covered by the other T3 units. If we want to be specific, I suppose Abominations, Knights, Tauren and T3 Druid of the Claws(bear form) are all "heavy melee", whereas Chimerae, Gryphon Riders, Frost Wyrms and nothing for the Orcs are heavy fliers. Siege Engines and Destroyers are somewhat unique, and I don't really know what to do with 'em. The Night Elf Chimera, as well as the Undead Frost Wyrm have a double-role in that they are also great at smashing buildings, whereas Gryphons and Knights are incapable of that. Destroyers are just strange. I have no idea what to do with them.
    Ah, well I know what that's like, lol. Just got out of mine a few weeks ago. Good luck, man. :p
    Not yet, i am realy busy with stuff this week. And probably the next one.

    Well, there is only one non-campaign spell that uses that buff model. Just saying, it can be avoided pretty easy.
    Yeah, i know. You could reset the reimorted green model for that one spell that actualy uses it in wc3.
    Hey Kyrbi0! You don't know me, but I'm familiar with your custom races work. You inspired me when I was making my Nerubian race for projected campaign. They are currently at alpha stage, would you be willing to help me and test them?
    Well, we could just replace that green thingie model with something else;)
    In addition, do you know anyone, who could do a texture work for me?
    The way GUI is transformed to JASS is stupidly inefficient. For example:
    Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Footman) and ((((Matching unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and (((Matching unit) is A Hero) Equal to False)))) and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions

    converts to:
    function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Func001001002001 takes nothing returns boolean
    return ( GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) == 'hfoo' )

    function Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002002001 takes nothing returns boolean
    return ( IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false )

    function Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002002002 takes nothing returns boolean
    return ( IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == false )

    function Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002002 takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetBooleanAnd( Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002002001(), Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002002002() )

    function Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002 takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetBooleanAnd( Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002001(), Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002002() )

    function Trig_myTrigger_Func001A takes nothing returns nothing

    function Trig_myTrigger_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call ForGroupBJ( GetUnitsInRectMatching(GetPlayableMapRect(), Condition(function Trig_myTrigger_Func001001002)), function Trig_myTrigger_Func001A )
    I recommend you to code at least loops in JASS for efficiency, but stuff which happens only couple of times are ok by me to be coded in GUI, if you feel more familiar with GUI.

    Edit: Yes use of bj_wantDestroyGroup prevents group leaks. But don't have it always on, it might destroy your groups, for example GroupPickRandomUnit destroys the group from which the unit is picked if you have wantDestroyGroup on.
    it has, I mean considering im on a machine that can run my coh2, d3, sc2, and virtually every other game I own, yet im still modding wc3 of all things. and yea, I do kind of enjoy it, I just cant do triggers >.<
    Mostly from wanting very simple attachments but finding none made for murlocs so thats how it started
    Oh, it will be, I'm giving him a little bit of character, by way of a complete overdose of dark power.
    "Dread Knight"? I'm afraid I'm a little rusty. But whether "Dread" or "Death", I'm sure it'll be cool.
    Oh, nothing big, just another Dread Knight.

    Death Knight? I can't decide, maybe I'll do both.
    (can't access our conversation?...)
    Yeah, I still got it... And I still got yours, too. :p But it's nearly 5am where I am, so I won't be jumpin' on tonight, unfortunately. :< Wassup?
    Nah man, I am still working on the house
    alone xD
    and I am tired as hell
    and not in the mood to do models
    but soon
    humm.. I am feelin' a lill stumped on the totem hydra.. my idea was involving 3 totems linked up by some voodoo, which looks like those ribbons revenant has for arms. and i thought about having those heads float and, well.. act like heads, looking around.. but now i dunno how to get to that, it feels like there should be some custom animations, and i kinda don't have will to start them <w< I could have done just floating, but this means integrating '3-headed' animation onto some vehicle's animset

    any.. animator at your disposal? .u.
    The funny thing was, is that I found it's location after you removed the URL, I just guessed the index page by comparing it to another index of skins I have.
    Its no problem really. But I managed to find an index of files by deciphering their location from a picture on a Wc3c.net thread. I was blessed to find it because I can no longer find that page or picture.
    I've been sitting on this since last year, and I've yet to see any results or progress from anyone whos working on unfinished portions of the models. I got tired of waiting and I figure people want to see it, incomplete or not before the community just gives up on it all together.
    hey man, i heard you like trolls so...
    i was wondering if you can implement that to some troll hero you're working on. it'll be great.
    hey man, i heard you like trolls so...
    i was wondering if you can implement that to some troll hero you're working on. it'll be great.
    hi sir, i just want to ask if there's some sort of poly limit to the steampunk contest?
    currently mine has a shit ton of polies mostly because i wanted it to be as detailed as possible. (and to have something to compensate in case my animations fuck up big time)
    aye :p and i decided to really keep a few ballista details, they just look pretty well to me

    and i meant to which war3 vehicle to rig this one, i need something that can launch a few pieces on death, but not having a too complicated death anim
    ah Blast it.. i had a modeling calamity >.< the side totem's mask somehow got the wrap jumbled all over..

    *sigh* sometimes i wish i could bite a branch in half

    never mind! :D i pretty much finished the design of the Totem hydra. now just to see on which unit to rig it..
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