• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • If possible, could you send me this part, for that i can fix? (The grammar of Tides of War)
    Found some bugs in your Blood Elf map Phoenix Crusader have no model,cloud requires castle and arcane vault,Blood Knight Ultimate requires undead unit and did u try my maps
    I know your a huge supporter of the Alliance, but me being a supporter of the Horde, do you plan to make a Horde campaign after your done with your Alliance campaigns?
    Maybe you could add more environment(lily plants, rocks, shrub, river rushes) also, they are in maelstrom, isn't, or closer it? maybe add some elf-ish/naga and highborn buildings, don't try to varies the trees like you did in chapter 1, look a kind stranger, also use terrain fog would be nice.
    Oh, sorry for just talk about your campaign now, i'm having school all the day, also, i know about the AI, and my "short" review is simple, i don't have seen any bug(i'm a kind bad for find it), but my suggestion is, improve the terrain, it's "without life", i'm not saying that is bad, but could be better.
    The ranger hero, could have new spells, the current spells don't fit a ranger! Or if u want the same spell for her, change the name and the icon, for something more elf-ish.
    I do them based on how easy they are to make/how inspired i am to do each. Right now i have finished meshes for the Hornet, Ghost, and almost finished ones for the grunt and a marine. I hope to complete them soon, although i am working on a greek hoplite set right now which comes first.
    Yeah, i thought about that, problem is that units attached in this fashion needs the warthog unit to have an animation tag, and this would require three different tags for the marines, while a unit can only use one at the time. One solution would be to make one base marine model, and two where it just has the "sitting" animation. In overal though, i think i perfer to make two or three lowpoly variants directly on the model to reduce overal graphics load on the unit.
    Uhm, frankly, the halo UTM project was little more than a map putting together my models. The only ones they produced themselves were a jittering Wraith and a warthog, which was frankly quite poor. Speaking of which, i dunno if i showed you my new warthog model? You can have a peak of it here.
    Hey footman, can you tell me where did you get that Alliance's Zeppelin model?
    I haven't tested it yet. I'm currently full with terraining. Tomorrow I'll make a review for it. Europe time don't worry:)
    Your Loading Screens are screenshots from WoW
    So when you copy it to a photoshop
    what did you save it as and when you open war3model editor, did you open the LS or Fullscreen and save as mdx/mdl, or use the Extras LS creator?
    Nah. After i saw the terrain i understood better:) Looks great though. I am currently terraining for chapter 4. I have to show some pics you know. The people are getting interested:)
    Btw Kobas launched a promising hero arena map thread:) Seems that Tales of the Scarlet Crusade will have competition:)) That's great XD
    I forgot from where exactly i got them. I'll tell you once i remember. And how's your project?
    Okay, that sounds good. Some sort of story detailing his adventures then. Good choice Footman:)
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