• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Nah, but I'd love it if you at least consulted with me or asked me before you did that. It feels very... Sneakish. :p
    If you ask me, Misha's models are pretty much also worthy of a 5\5, but they lack that "Blizzard-like" sort of feel that Tauer's model has, which is why it earned a 5\5 in the first place. Tauer's model is also mechanically more complex(more animations, blood splats, dissipate, better portrait, things like that). The texture is also not as WC3-ish, though it looks great as well. With your leave, I'd like to return the Blackhand's rating to 5\5, although I would understand if you refuse.

    EDIT: Also, I'd like to point out that different moderators judge things differently. That is a known fact, and it's not something that needs to be "improved" or "fixed". Kwaliti, for example, doesn't rate his models at all. I'm personally alright with every moderator judging things on his own accord(so long as a basic quality control line is maintained, and users' feelings are not hurt).
    Yo, MiniMage. Did you bring down the Blackhand model's rating to 4\5? I'm pretty sure I approved it with a 5\5. It looks excellent and fits in the game quite well, and we've approved some lesser models with a 4\5 in the past...
    Awesome! :D
    don't mind if you release the model pack when the map finished?
    You sir amazed me with your goblin models.
    (I love goblins, i love models, so i love goblin models!)
    Really? Well I'd love to hear it; we could definitely use a few more contests around here (not like I have the time, *sniff*).
    Oooh, bribes. Wonderful. I love bribes. What about some concept art sketches for the remaining goblin buildings that I haven't made yet? ;D
    Anyhow, I love me some good ol sketches to keep me going. ;D
    Lol, that's right. I remember (soooo long ago, it feels like) offering concept art sketches for you. Man, and that stuff is still sitting around (either on paper or in my hard drive)... I really oughta get around to that. :p Well, while it might not be done in time to bribe you for this issue, I might be able to get it out in order to bribe you for some Models... :p

    Regarding the actual judging, me and misha actually already passed our judgement in mod lobby yesterday or the day before. Kwaliti is supposed to pass the final verdict when he has done the mathy stuff and all that.
    Woah, what, seriously? You and Misha and Kwaliti?? The 25th Modelling Contest? I had no idea so many of you were concerned about it at the same time. Well, while none of you were "assigned" judges, I'm very grateful for your efforts & concerns. That is, of course, if I'm understanding you.
    Dear MiniMage,

    Me and Ralle were talking about how the Modelling Contest (#25) has kinda been... how shall we say?... 'stagnating'? More like 'fermenting', for the last several months. :p Unfortunately, due to this length of time, things have happened and we now have basically 1.5 Judges who will be able to do what they need to. Ralle suggested I "bribe" you into being a judge. :p

    Now to be honest, I don't see how that would work; I think if anyone needs something from the other, it's 'me' from 'you'... :p But regardless, I think having you as a Judge would be a great idea (especially given how immersed you were in the contest to start with; you know (generally) who was involved & whatnot). Please let me know if this is something you feel up to!


    I really like how you handled these hard cases on your sections and it's user especially with Ujimasa and his resources. Great job, you really deserve my respect even If I am a mod like you.
    Whew! Good job cleaning up the model section. And, in case you're curious, the model I made is this. Naaru are basically embodiments of the light and are akin to gods in Warcraft as of their introduction in WoW's first expansion.
    Long Time No See!
    Chief Goblin!

    Didn't know you are a chief goblin now XD
    Um.. I don't know. When I saw Sin'dorei, I thought he was the only one promoted recently. However I saw you moderate my models. Then I thought I would see more.
    Are there any other problems with the Northrend Aviary? I tried it with MagosX model editor and in-game; the rocky mountain base seemed fine. Might be a problem with the online viewer.
    Woah. We have so many new mods. Congratulations on your promotion!
    The sword of the Ujimasa Hojo model is shrunk only in animations because I used bone scaling instead. Kindly check the model again during animations.
    Tweaking animations? Sure.

    Please don't 'trick' me into remaking a whole animation though ^^' since I'm already having trouble getting Misha's one done. (lol)

    But yeah, you need the animations to be fixed, it should be fine.
    Congratulation with the wonderful promotion, friend. I said that you'll become one right?
    Was randomly clicking some newly approved models, and I saw the moderators name... Wanted to make sure, so here I am :)

    So you're the one I'm talking to:) Congratulations btw XD
    And also u made a nice sand elemental:) YAY
    Yes, the model I would request, is some kind of a magic artifact/stone/chrystal.
    But we have to discuss this internal in the group first.

    I would start with the terrain work first and state my request when you are pleased with the outcome.
    didn't we talked before, on chat room, but i forgot what we talked about...
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