• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • hey, TH. how's going? :)
    I found problem with your AutoFly here is an image

    and here is my preload function
    private function preloadUnits takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 0

    exitwhen i > SlotTotal
    set PreloadTotal = PreloadTotal + 1
    static if LIBRARY_WorldBounds then
    set PreloadUnit.unit[PreloadTotal] = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), BUTTON_ID, WorldBounds.maxX, WorldBounds.maxY, 270.)
    set PreloadUnit.unit[PreloadTotal] = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), BUTTON_ID, WorldMaxX, WorldMaxY, 270.)
    static if not LIBRARY_AutoFly then
    if UnitAddAbility(PreloadUnit.unit[PreloadTotal], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(PreloadUnit.unit[PreloadTotal], 'Amrf') then
    call BJDebugMsg("preload-" + I2S(PreloadTotal) + "check")
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(PreloadUnit.unit[PreloadTotal], LOCATION_Z + 5., 0)
    call SetUnitVertexColor(PreloadUnit.unit[PreloadTotal], 255, 255, 255, 0)
    set i = i + 1

    so, when I use your AutoFly, I can't modify the last-preloaded-unit's fly height, but when I disable AutoFly everything works normally.. I guess it's a problem with your indexer...

    I always use dummy unit at PreloadTotal btw, so the problem is I can't modify the last-preloaded-unit's fly height.. thanks..
    Graveyard them. Along with TimedEffect.
    I don't have Warcraft to test for.
    CLI doesn't work.
    I strongly suspect him as a troll. He seems to be displaying evasive behaviour when ever someone gives him a solution.
    You cannot use jurst inside a map. You can only have it in *.jurst files which have to be in the a folder named "wurst" next to the map.

    I will probably write some documentation and presentation for Jurst in April. Currently, I don't have much time for it.
    How do you unpause a unit that is stuck in Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(bj_lastCreatedUnit, 851973)?
    none taken, right from the beginning. I was only explaining what I meant. I know english only from books and some from internet and barely understand colloquialism and I did not understand what your second line meant :)
    I respect that you did not misinterpret me. You have wisdom.
    The Eternal fire is our concept of what you may call a god. Not an actual god though, a belief. A sacred fire that burns without heat and ash. A fire from which all of us originate and one day we will join it to become one with it. It usually takes many lifetimes but a seeker hopes to achieve it in one.
    What's up man :) I downloaded your "easy item stack n split v2.4.7" and it seems pretty awesome... Just getting a little problem. I'm using it in a map used in a campaign, and I made 3 custom items(potions) and after implementing your trigger(GUI) it changes all my custom potions to the regular "restore health potion" is there anyway to fix this? I'm probably doing something really stupid that's messing it up :/

    -All items have 2 charges and lvl 0(also tried with other lvls)
    Even if I modify the normal health potion, it still doesn't regonize the changes
    -custom items are created via campaign editor(blue items not pink ones)
    Running as administrator immidiately fixed the problem. Seems I've been doing everything right, just forgotten to run this "new" 207 jnpg as admin, as I had been doing with other jnpgs.
    Thanks, silly me.
    I cant get my sharpcraft to work with jnpg.
    I've even dled the link you gave in tool's thread ("207 jnpg" or smthing, with natives file attached).
    Everything seems to work fine, I can open my maps, urs too, compile with custom natives and such. Then, I run wc3 via bat file (or from jnpg), windowed war3 runs, sure, but when I want to play my map it backs to previous window - does not allow me to start the map.
    Injecting problem?

    Thanks in advance.
    dont you think this name is a little bit vague?
    TriggerRegisterUnitIndexEvent while you can also register "Deindex" event using that TriggerRegisterUnitIndexEvent

    maybe this fits better
    lol, I'm just kidding
    May i upload this testmap to thw and xgm? I'l put your name into the author field ofcoure. I just realy realy want to see it in my profile.
    Hooray, it works just perfect. There is one minor problem on my side - manabar is not glowing. And it should, i'l check for bugs tomorow.

    One moer thing, can i get a small testmap where hpbars are teamcolored? With several units there, belonging to different players for a show off. And with dem manabars there too:)
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