• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I heard you need JNGP to use some scripts.
    Get the Latest Version here!
    Thank you for the offer, however, I'm afraid I do not have the time to contribute to such a task. To be frank, I'm rarely on this site nowadays.

    It is just logical thinking. And no I am asking for a reason because you and I never talked before, which is the point that I have been trying to get across all this time.
    What I am saying is you and I never talked before. If possible, provide a reason for why you want to befriend me.
    I kept your battle area the same size but I added a little bit of map extents for the arena. Remodeled the tiles because it was all messed up in my opinion. I will be adding some imports and I assume that in total they will be less than 1mb as I kept the ingame textures but I will however add my shadow technique to the underground arena.

    Here's some work
    The first top 4 images are yours, the map and the underground arena untextured yet (the gray picture). Ignore the rest they are from my other projects.

    The arena will be placed in the upper left while the small room down to the right.
    What do you think so far should I keep working?
    Bloody bored, still can't mod, good thing my bro let's me borrow his comp when he's not using it.
    One more thing, should I keep the terrain flat? I hate flat terrain! If you have problems with projectiles the I'll keep it flat.
    Are you sure you don't want me to change the map size? I need at least a little bit of space otherwise it's going to be a horribly small arena. I can keep the fighting area size but I'll need extra map space for the arena, I'll try keeping it relatively small.
    My is "Nam".
    It's ok, sometime work on map is really bore if you dont play it.
    yes it is
    well, yes but i'm not sure when i could gave it to you
    is that ok?
    As I said, I can not do anything if you don't have JNGPE or are not using Vexorians JASShelper.
    If you don't have JNGPE, then your editor will probably crash.
    If you are using Cohadar's JASShelper, then you will get tons of errors.
    There's nothing I can do about it.
    Today I am going back home from my mother's place, that might change a thing or two. Also could I ask you to send new messages instead of editing the old ones?
    so it's an ok or what? I was thinking that the statue would turn into the angel guy in your story :D but if you insist I will delete it
    Ok, I can make you a underground arena but it won't be in the center under all the fighting because of wc3 pathing so I'll place the entrance in the center and the arena at the edge of the map. The problem isn't that it's not possible the problem is that having 2 planes over each other maks pathing a problem for units beneath so if I do that you're going to have to find someone that has a solution to that and trust me there ain't none that works properly.

    The absence of a terrainer more fairly a terrain is a serious blow to first impression and look of the map. I understand that you want a underground arena but the whole map looks like one more exactly like footman wars!
    This is a story-oriented Extreme Military Formation gameplay.
    Tus I recommend you make some changes! Allow me to make the whole terrain for you, change the map to a large size, should be somewhat dota scale (that would affect your gameplay), Change the scenery to outdoor forest with ruins.
    Like so IVD

    Maybe you would consider making it a bit more tactical like managing your army first then attacking, the gameplay is too short.

    The game lags a litle because of massive unit spawn! That will create a problem for multiplayer.

    I won't be doing anything without your approval, what do you say?
    well, i just help him when he needs it
    but i'm not really make a trigger for him, just fix the triggers he made to make it more efficient and leakless
    plus, i don't have wifi anymore so i can't give my work soon enough, i can only online on PC sometimes (when i had money and time >.<)
    i don't mind if you want to recruit me though
    as long as you don't mind with my limitation ^^
    Hi! Don't specifically use japanese words, I'm not really up to it. I mean, I am not really an Anime-fanatic but I sometimes watch Anime's.

    How are you BTW?
    I'm currently working on a campaign called Malfurion's Quest. It's a work in progress ;)
    I've noticed that you are relatively new to Hive. How are you finding it so far?
    Import size doesn't have anything to do with lag, at least I don't think so. There are 2 types of lag: from triggers when units are borned and from to many doodads/objects in a huge map it also affects performance. Your map is fairly small so it won't lag. It may also be caused by internet connection so that depend on the player.

    PS: Rheiko is right about that, anime and wc3 models don't match. If you're going to make anime you need to make it all look like that.

    Ok I read your request I'll start brainstorming.
    warcraft 3 models and anime models combined aren't good
    i can but not that good with triggering (especially anime's spells... i'm suck >.<)
    N a m b o :cgrin:
    hue man
    new screenies look promising XD
    now the main gameplay changed into hero arena and fight with boss, look like it changed into a other map :DD
    well first off .-. Yes yes im quite hard to read. All I wanted you to do is at least show me the new terrain of your map -.-'' but you seem to insist on doing that then it's fine by me.
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