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  • meant to say zeps can only attack units not structures, I fixed it so they can attack structures in next version.
    the war zeppelins are like fast moving heavy artillery, twice the speed of heavy artillery and also can transport units, can attack air units only if they upgrade air defense but I rebalanced the air units and added anti air towers in the next version. Also forgot to make it so zeps can attac only ground units not structures which is a my bad... no other way to explain but working out all the lag I will have abetter map rebalanced harder ai, no lag.. just wait a day or two. :D also will include all the credits for the hiveworkshop resources.
    Hey forgot to mention I am currently working on a new largeislands map to intensify the air war and add naval units to the game.
    glad you liked it, I have another version with better AI and a few balance changes to units. Mostly upgrades and unit specials. I don't think it will make it to hiveworkshop though.
    If you don't know coding then exclude that from reviews.
    Just extract exe file anywhere on your HD.
    I just tried a 4v4 and the armies get to big and lag hard, so FFA and 2v2v2v2 are the best way to play atm. Making smaller 4 person only map to compensate for large armies.
    Hey I decided to make an 8 person multiplayer map instead of just dropping the project, It is complete now with Icons for everything, New Air units, New Upgrades and building construction with food management just like in a melee game except with unlimited food. I was going to post it on hive but I need to get some pictures of gameplay first so im going to use makemehost and have an 8 person game first.
    Thank you! The Hive is an awesome site for as far as I can see.
    Also, I've fixed my map
    Hmm... Its funny how I replied to this already, but when I checked it again, theres no reply. But yeah, sounds cool xD
    Well, why not?!
    Though I'm a FPS player. Also RPG. I don't play RTS games as much as before.
    Hello man, nice to see you!
    What about is this group?
    I will see if I have time cause I have some models to finish and upload, and I have exams in next period.
    Whoa, that would be cool to be in a live videotaped Uther Party.
    Maybe I could... as long as you aren't egging him on to focus me
    I think I might have a 11/20 win ratio in Uther Party, which in my mind is pretty good
    Well, I used to play a ton, and I played a lot with a guy named A-O-K. He was even better than me, and that kinda inspired me to do better in Uther Party. I could beat him in some games, but the real "skill games" like Assassins, Mathog, Naga, Battleships, etc. I could not beat him in. His scores were nearly always 50+. So yeah, I got better by playing with him.
    Yeah, you're right. I call it reviewing, but in all honesty, it is just feedback. Orcnet could never accept maps just on my feedback; it's too long (some of the time) and also doesn't have a clear grading scale.
    I really don't think I'm cut out for a map reviewing group... honestly, my ratings are all over the place (I rated Pose RPG 5/5, even though it's a decent map, I probably shouldn't of. I think I just did it to make the maker happy because he was my first Hive friend. Then I rated Chaos Conflict, an absolutely brilliant map 4/5. Not even sure why I did rate it that way.) Plus, there is no (sound) structure to my reviews. I don't think they're really looking for what I do. You guys (the map reviewers) tell Orcnet whether to accept the map, as well as tell the mapmaker how to improve. I just tell them bugs that I found, and the good parts about their map. Plus, I checked the group, it isn't very active. None of the groups are, but I'm not sure what joining the group will actually accomplish. I mean, I joined the HT group and Dueling Ultimate groups just so I wouldn't offend Hell_Master or neo_sluf, but really I, I can't imagine doing anything in those groups.
    Also, I am <span style="font-size: 12px">not</span> an active reviewer. I'm quite lazy with what I do. PPD (posts per day) is much less than one.
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