• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Never mind the previous question; fixed it.
    By the way, here's the initial code, it will calculate the numbers in the sequence up to udg_Fibonacci_MaxNum:
    function Power takes real r, integer n returns real
    local integer i = 0

    exitwhen i > n
    set r = r*r
    set i = i + 1

    return r

    function Fibonacci_Loop takes nothing returns nothing

    local integer a = 0
    local real b = 1. + SquareRoot(5.)
    local real c = 1. - SquareRoot(5.)
    local real d
    local real e
    local real f = d - e
    local real g
    local real h = SquareRoot(5.)
    local real i = g * h
    local real array F_Term

    exitwhen a == udg_Fibonacci_MaxNum
    set a = a + 1
    set d = Power( b, a)
    set e = Power(c, a)
    set g = Power( 2., a)
    set F_Term[a] = f / i
    call BJDebugMsg( R2S( F_Term[a]))


    What do you think?
    Can you check this line? I don't know if it's my compiler or it's really wrong.

    local integer b = SquareRoot( R2I(5.))
    I'm getting close to finishing the initial code for generating the Fibonacci Sequence bro; I think I'm getting the hang of JASS now :))

    Thanks for your help again, oh and you should expect more in the future. If that's okay with you.
    :p she said she had you ignored -.-

    and why did you tell her she'd be a terrainer and didn't let her do any terraining wow ;D
    What about yesterday :? You didn't do anything evil :\ Hmm.. Doom, you should talk to Archange1 btw.. I'm not sure which of you did the more stupid things -.- but you should just both talk to each other, I don't like it when people hate other people for such small things >.<
    Viết = vjass thì tui fix = niềm tin à? Jass thì còn may ra =.=
    còn cái vụ bầu cử "tổng thống" gì đó thì ra sao rồi?
    urgh.. how's the project going Doomish Doom :cgrin:? Cuz.. 16 pages is a lot to read :D you know.
    Oh right, sorry. I want to find out how I can square-root numbers in jass as well as raise quantities of numbers to the nth power.... like the first term in the numerator in the picture I gave you.

    I hope that's clear...
    Bro, read my sig as that's all the information I can share with everyone for now; and also, I need your response quickly here, how do I do this in JASS:
    Your welcome, I somehow forgot a lot of stuff to put in the community spotlight(coz bad thesis is bad) I might post them sooner on a different news.
    Here's the backstory that I rewrote for you.

    "Once upon a time, there was a huge explosion in a very technologically advanced society. Scientists still believe that it may have been the work of mad scientists, others say that it would've been more likely that the explosion was due to their need to place explosive barrels everywhere in the horrible but possible case that the world turned into a FPS. When survivors in the rubble began forming a functioning society yet again, they first formed a union under the new religion, the lemonade cult, based around an ingredients label from a lemonade bottle found by a guy named roger. But nevertheless this isn't a story about roger, but about the lemonade cult. The lemonade cult however suffered a terrible divide upon the discovery of the book of the finest cheese, the World Cheese Book! Using the holy book, the followers summoned the sacred cheese and their group rose in power. The lemonade cult, furious at their new rival, decided to try and steal the cheese, but alas, they managed only to get half of the cheese, realizing only later that they needed the whole cheese to infuse their one true prophet lemonade with its power. The Cheese cult struck back, attempting to get back their half of the cheese and the two sides have been at it ever since."
    Nah, don't worry, just take my name off :)
    I didn't really do anything for the project anyway.
    Okay. I'm sorry for not contributing much, but as you've said, the workshop keeps me busy. I'm also on holiday from university, so I've been spending time with friends and family :)
    have problem if the terrain dont have the river traditional?
    to them instead one fissure that cuts the map end to end
    Done, he was a tasty snack :ogre_hurrhurr:
    So, what system for spell section you're working currently.
    No thanks :ogre_hurrhurr:
    Btw, anything interesting today? I just got happy this few days, just smack a trouble maker from Map Section in the End of June, still remember the thread.
    How's the project ^^
    Also, send a post, follow my recommendation or I'll smack you :ogre_hurrhurr: [well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, I won't smack you <3]
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