• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
Lichkings slave

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  • We Cuently Paused the project, for lack of team members and effort, project will be resumed when I get more\better team members.
    did you set the import path properly? This aside, whenever importing a model to a map, it's recommended to set the import path correct, save the map and then try to view the imported stuff in the World Editor. If this still doesn't work, try either re-opening the map or restarting the editor. :wink:
    If you found the models in another map they are propably ripped, but that's OK. I have been planning to post them for a long time, but i have never quite gotten to it. I uploaded all the unit models in a zip for you, let me know if there are any textures missing and i will try to send them aswell. You can find the zip here.

    Out of curiosity though, is there any chance that in return you can send some screenshots from the stalingrad map? I always enjoy seeing how my models are used in other peoples projects.

    And yes, ofcourse you can edit my skin, and even upload it if it turns out nice. Same goes for all my resources as long as THW rules are followed. :)
    I have been thinking about the monster hunter project, since its singleplayer their isn't a map size limit, so what if we use a custom ingame font? That isn't to hard to read and the right size...
    I think that this font is almost exactly identical with he other, maybe something else, but am lets try to focus on the main\major Stuff first.
    hmm. I don't know :\ I'm too lazy to learn 3d model making and animation.. + it isn't really my type of thing.. I just wanna lie all day and do nothing -.- except play computer games and draw.
    Well, yeah, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for drawings skins, concepts, etc. And, I'm feeling too lazy all the time to go out :D
    Yeah, me too :) Kinda bored though, nothing to do all day in this vacation. Well, it's still better than having school xD I guess I'm gonna draw something now. Or watch some animation :X or probably go play dota with random people. I don't know, something to fill the time with. What do you fill your time with wuw :?
    Well for first version, we are making a boss fight, 4 players, 3 hunters and 1 rathalos in an AWESOME pvp.
    I assume you like Monster hunter From your PP, are you interested in joinin our MH Project??
    Thanks LICHS XD!

    Well urgh. The day is kinda over ;D and because of school I didn't celebrate it today (we finished classes at 3.. no time to party and I don't like going out at 7 o'clock to some parties and such -.-, I prefer friend gatherings which need time :p gay school :D)

    Nice image xD!
    622 vertices?!? :eekani: Yeah, this is rly a good number. Even some Warcraft 3 models have more, especially riders. :wink: O.K. what? :wink:
    I'm afraid these are to few changes. Maybe you should also make the skin animated (Texture Animation) and possibly add a few more thingies. If you remove the custom textures it should be a pretty small filesize. :wink: Although you should watch the number of vertices when converting WoW models to .mdx. Some WoW models have to many details and a very high polycount. :vw_sad:
    Ripping WoW models is legal now but do try to squish those huge file size with tools
    Hm, strange. What kind of textures does it use? Custom or ingame? Yes, this cylinder and sphere make the filesize go up that much. :vw_sad: I know it looks better this way, but you should change it, otherwise it will be rejected.
    As for the error just try this way: open it in MDLVIS, and got in the menu on top to ''Optmize'' and save it. Then delete the old version from WC3 Editor, save the map and re-import it. IMPORTANT: the model should be imported as ''Waterpump.mdx'', NOT .mdl. But my main guess is that it has to do with the filesize. I don't want to insult you, but not even the most detailed models (like Frankster's tanks and -Grendel's exotic creatures) have such a filesize and they have an entire load of different features and they're very detailed too. Maybe 21540 vertices are much more than WC3 can handle. :vw_sad: Take the War Bear Tank model for example. It has 5018 vertices (poly counts) and a filesize of 438.64 KB and this is already quite much for a single model. Yes, it does have many features, high detail lvl and such, but your water pump has more than 3 times the vertice amount of this and the filesize is also nearly doubled. I dunno what features and such it offers, but it is way to much of both. I know models with this detail lvl look better, but it's possible that the editor and game can't handle so much. This kind of Poly count and filesize are mainly for games like Far Cry, Alien vs. Predator 2010, Call of Duty and such, i.e. high-resolution, super-realistic FPS & Ego-Shooters. Trust me, my first models were made the same way and i can tell you it just is unnecessary to make such a shape-perfection for a strategy game, like WC3 as the majority of details won't be visible ingames anyway. :vw_unimpressed:
    What?!? :vw_wtf: How's this possible? What kind of model is it? A cavalry or high-tech stuff? The secret in milkshape scratching is to work only with simple planes, not with geometric stuff like cylinders and cubes. They have many unnecessary vertices and they're also difficult to skin. :vw_sad:
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