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  • I understand. I wish you would've sent me a PM instead. Please contact me if your team would like me to polish up anything. If you would like, I could work on polishing up the current quests and descriptions. I don't know if you've looked at the map recently, but it needs a grooming.
    Np, I think I'll wait until a spot opens up and reapply again. I will probably have more stuff with me by that time. Thanks again and good luck with SotP.
    I'll do either or both, but I know my strengths are more apt for editing. I haven't done much creative writing since high school. I think the most holistic creative experience I've had since then is a 24 paged paper on creative writing (more academic than artistic). If the team needs plot holes filled, I can help. As an editor, I've done a lot of writing to complete articles.
    He really is not active much anymore. I used to spend a lot of time playing sessions of WarCraft III with him years ago.
    Does he look like he is me? Only reason his Demon Hunter has that Andarial's Visage was because I gave it to him.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) I pretty much agree on your comment, Disabling Rep in OT can be considered wether they're good or bad based on site's goal
    Reputation (+12):
    (Post) Giving this much reputation may seem unfit to you and your opinion, but that post is golden for me (especially what's hidden). Very well said.
    Yeah, I saw.

    I haven't had time to address it quite yet, for I know it'll take me some time writing a reply to that. But be sure, when I find time I will.
    :)) Ok, bancul e bun, sarat.
    Si... intrun fel, nu departe de adevar...
    Dar ca sa iti explic mai concret, uite 2 linkuri de pe un forum al unui joc pe care il joc... (asa ocazional cand mai apuc.)
    Link 1: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=64128 - aici e un "thread" al forumului pentru noi veniti... cel mai potrivit loc unde sa citesti primele 2-3 fraze si sa intelegi cam ce inseamna "role-play-ul" la care ma refer eu.
    Link 2: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=93157 - un exemplu concret de "forum role-play", care de fapt se bazeaza pe RP din joc (dar din pacate nu prea pot da exemplu concret de RP din joc, dar cred ca se gasesc pe youtube videouri daca e.) - respectivul Johnathan Nox Carter sunt eu, iar "Sentry" e unul din caracterele mele.

    Poate parea ciudat la prima vedere... dar e sa zicem "teatru", si pentru mine e relaxant asa ocazional... :D
    Nope, nu din Bucuresti, ci Buzau.

    :-? Orange Tabby deci, frumos motan ^^.

    Eh, da... eu deocamdata ma axez pe studii, si din cand in cand ce mai apuc de niste role-play (daca sti ce inseamna)... :D

    Mai tinem legatura. ;)
    So iau cu finalul... :D
    B.P. Hasdeu daca ai auzit de el... si merg la olimpiadele de engleza si informatica.

    Hmmm, in fine, in principiu sunt de acord, sa gatesti e o idee buna... miar place si mie dar inca nam gasit o metoda buna de a invata, ca sa le cer alor mei nui o idee potrivita. :)) Si succes cu motanul. Si mie imi plac pisicile sincer... e de rasa sau romanesc clasic?

    Si scuze daca par putin abatut, dar probabil ca si sunt oleaca... nah, ce sai faci, am mai multe pe cap si devine greu, dar incerc sa ma tin tare, intelegi?

    (P.S. Scuze ca a durat atat de mult sa raspund, nu prea am avut contact cu internetu...)
    Nu neaparat lipsa de entuziasm, dar nu prea mai sunt atat de activ pe hive... vezi tu... liceu, alte treburi... ma rog, mai putin timp pentru toate cemi plac, presupun ca intelegi. Plus ca ma pregatesc pentru olimpiade si chestii de genul.

    Oricum, tu cum o mai duci?
    Haha, I'm sorry for the late response.
    I just now noticed I had written it in my own inbox instead of replying to you :p
    There is no missing link.
    The theory of a missing link were rejected in the 1920's when we found the humanoid that was missing, Homo Erectus.

    But yes, there are missing 'missing' transitional fossils, which is very explainable. First of fossils are EXTREMELY rare. Of all living organisms that lived during these epochs only a selected few would be buried in a way that actually creates a fossil, and a fraction of these would survive to our days.

    We have not found all transitional fossils on a microbiology level, but on the macro-scale the last remaining "missing" link was found 1920 - Homo erectus. (micro-macro-evolution comparison).

    But what's interesting is that even fossils are incomprehensible rare, we still have found tons of them.

    Discussing the possible traits of alien life is silly and I'm sorry, but I won't participate in that discussion as it won't lead anywhere. There's no current knowledge in the field and no facts indicating any possible alien life.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) I am still here, and this post is actually interesting, unlike the rest of the thread.
    Seen that you posted in the Mists of Pandaria and just wondering if you interested like I am. :p
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