• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • They just add the abilities, which may contain functionality, like 2 of them are based on armor or attack upgrades.

    Also the dummy abilities may add more than 1 ability to the caster.
    Reputation (+2):
    (Post) It was indeed wise to promote you, you have been an excellent help on this site and I commend you for it. Thank you for all your help. Keep on moosing haha.
    Just to keep you from doing any unnecessary work... My custom script knowledge is horrible so bear with me lol.
    The units will be trained from an HQ structure, but you can only have 1 at a time.

    I'll send you the triggers for how I'm adding the abilities.
    The abilities are added through triggers, the event in the triggers is when a unit uses an ability, I use if/thens to determine what ability is used and what ability to add. Both abilities have the same name, but one is just a dummy based on Charge Lumber and Gold.

    They will not level... I don't think I'll have a use for leveling them.

    No prob about the late reply btw.
    Oh there's a post somewhere below here... I just want to save the abilities a unit has, and reload them when the unit respawns. Basically a hero revive system for units that aren't heroes... But it's simple since each unit-type is limited to 1.

    Ex. Unit A purchases ability X and Y, and removes ability Z, unit A dies, when a unit of this unit-type (you can only have 1 of unit A at a time) is then made he has abilities X and Y.
    Whoops. I forgot, you are an admin now, you don't do triggering stuff anymore. :p

    So answer me this, where do I go for project recruitment now that the forum is closed?
    Joking lol. I'm here to spray up your visitor message wall to ask for some favor (if you find it annoying, i'll quit - :p):
    First: PLEASE! Show me... where's the elephant! so i'm not gonna run at him >:D
    Second: Please let me know when the Lemos's group is created so i can "ask to join"
    Third: Can you let me know someone/somewhere has some "image creators" so i can ask something for someone at sometimes (this is somehow optional ;P)
    Changed. Enjoy your new life! :p

    Woop the fucking woho! Thanks mateey. Now it will be a week of being unknown around here!
    I need some help...

    I want to save a unit in pretty much any way I want... But in this case all of its abilities, and I want to reload these abilities and put them back into the unit when it spawns...

    Basically a hero revival system, for units that aren't heroes... I know there's a way to do it easily with Hashtables, provide some insight?
    Well, you know, 2 of my challengers backed out, and I couldn't find any replacements in time :l
    Well im just thinking because it would be easy to subconsciously give a poem more creativity then a story, and vise versa for other judging preferences.
    Since this is the first contest i've seen to allow more then 1 form of writing, there wont be any biased to judging when considering one form over another?
    Pharaoh_, with this post I want to give you my respect of bringing the activity in the arena and all the other forums of THW to a NEW (or should I say old?) level! Your ambitions, your nice behaviour, your ideas, your productivity and everything else are really great :) I just wanted to tell you that personally, as I already saw the THW a little bit dying, but with people like you, we shure got a long and nice time in front of us!

    ~ Proxy (earlier Fan)
    Hello pharaon (I always call u pharaon xD). I am on hive about half year and I have seen only one mini mapping contest, what you think about creating new mapping contest (just to not be melee map) befor scholl start (september) because then I must run everywhere(buy book, go here, go here) u know xD. What u say
    Well, the name of the group is Group Lunatic and logo type is the Clan Parodies.
    I could not create my group.Apareçe two messages explaining that I do not have privileges to do so.
    Yeah sure I'll send it to you via pm, and you mean terrain made by me? If that then I'll include it on the pm. ;)
    am I supposed to show you a proof of my judging skill? I just finished judging a terrain contest on ChaosRealm, is that needed?
    Sup bro, if you're in need of a judge on the terrain contest, I can volunteer, if there are things needed to be done for me to become a judge just tell me,
    Dear friend, how do I create a social group, and who can give me authorization for this?
    Additionally, you may shrink it to what you want.
    Ah, I overread that...
    Will be a perfect opportunity for my UI anyway. Only shitty detail is that I start working on the first of August. Overall I will only have Sunday to work on it. Oh well, we will see.

    And what what what? Obstacles? As if. Not creating custom borders is hardly an obsticle in improvement.
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