• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • As you wish, it's just that a few posts back you said you said "Well, i quet as much suck at animating stuff too:)"
    Further training would make you better, while also helping me in the process. But yeah, shit happens.
    Er, did you skip all the text and go straight to the picture?
    The goblin peasant version is done. Some minor tweaking and that's done.

    The rest however, is surprisingly more difficult than it sounds and would prove worthwhile training in the area of animation and animation transfer.
    Eh, well then. Explain why you did not find my request interesting? Is it bland, tedious, boring?
    Actually, I've never really created anything from scratch. All I work with always originate from exported Warcraft 3 models. That is why that I know the proportions of warcraft like the back of my hand.

    Each version of this little goblin has the very same mesh, a manipulated goblin from the goblin sapper model. This for example, is the version of it as a peasant.

    That one is almost perfect, although the animations appears to be too far down and fearing that I may fuck everything up, I left it as is.

    The planned animations sets, in separate models:
    [A Club, a medium range blunt instrument]
    [A Sword, a close combat pointy object.]
    [A rifle, well, a long range weapon]
    [A Tommygun, basically, giving the mesh marine animations]
    [Throwing, intended for goblins who lob grenades at its foes]

    Interesting enough?
    How many frames is one second? In MDLVIS I mean, that's the only program I tried using for animations before.
    Also, what would you say about helping me with a few goblin models? ;D
    'ey, hello.. I've been wondering.. are you good with adding new animations to an existing skeleton? o_O I have one model that still gathers dust in my hard drive
    You can only improve something that is good. I want people to enforce a concept that is good and refined. While your model has potential, it is far from completion.
    Well, personally I find my mesh is far superior to yours, but the changes royally fuck up the animations.
    Let's stop this annoying bickering between us and set up a thread, so that more people can join in. Like a poll of some sort?

    You could also suggest people who sees the thread to spontaniously point ideas, give critiques and advance the model further, because like I said, the model gives the appearance of something that is in the "work in progress" stage.
    Dude, if that is one of Sylvanas sisters, yours has to be half ogre at the very least. I'm not really sure why your model got approved to be honest, it's still in the work in progress stage imo.
    Your model is a banshee? Seriously? Then why did you name it witch? I mean, a witch is a common peasant who attained a bit of black magic knowledge and is slowly corrupting her as the dark magics consume her. So, in the beginning, she would look very much like a regular woman. Btw, isn't there a banshee ingame already, which actually, is far superior to your model? ;/
    I'm pretty sure I sent the right file. I could always give you a screeny and see if you got the right one.

    Here we go.

    Fine, If it does not fulfill your vision of what you want your witch to be, then fine.
    But you have to agree with me that the proportions in my tweak is by far superior to your model, if your model is supposed to be a human/night elf witch.

    If you're aiming for the evil hunchback witch with the long nose and pointy hat, you should emphasize that imo.
    Currently the big head of the model keeps reminding me of this. http://s9.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/5F17F345.jpg
    Actually, That's what I did. I structured its body in that manner. Then I moved the jaw down to its neck because it gave the illusion that its head was too long,
    and then removed the other thing that was currently around its neck because I couldn't figure out how to use it.

    Btw, you called it an american midget. The only thing I did was to improve the waist, elevated and rounded the shoulders, made the arms thinner,
    the head slightly smaller, the neck longer and its hands and arms longer. Counting height, my edit should actually be taller than your model.
    Hey, I did the best with what I had to work with. The current model just looks so.. strange. Like a mutant. Not a single body part appears to be her own. Like a geomerge gone wrong. ;/
    ok ok (sorry, im boring you)
    i cant replace the texture cuz he cant find it
    lulululu i dont get it, what i have to do now?
    i tried this Units\Human\Peasant\peasant_Portrait.mdx, haha is black to me :x and how can i texture the image on it??

    EDIT: lululu now works fine, but can you explain me how can i set more portrait for more units?
    hmm, can you make one portrait for me using this
    just showing his face :3 ?
    (this is for my project http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/warcraft-iii-majesty-map-development-220018/)
    I would put screenshots. But id rather do that once the project starts to look interesting. Because my map is only heroes right now lol. Nothing else.
    Yeah, because I have just started it a while ago. Just a free one. I still have no card to purchase the site
    I am teaching elementary grade pupils, so it's basically teaching almost all basic subjects.
    Ahh, so you are cookie on xgm, the one I wrote about the old Cookie who was on wc3c long time ago, doing models and ripping them from neverwinter nights?
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