• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • i was just thinking that 0-100 would make 100% and could be used in a multitude of cases. But whatever.
    Yeah, that looks really DoW-ish indeed! I will try to get it in there sonehow. I do hope it has the 101 animations though so that you can set it to a specific value.
    Bra if SC2 was 100% balanced, and the top 10 players weren't all Zerg... I'd be #1 in NA by HoTS. :p
    Making a cliff tile is easy(for the person knows 2D arts) lets just hope he gets online today so I can get the tile and finish adjusting some stuffs then send it to you.
    You deleted the wrong map dick face. ._.

    I fixed that glitch like 5 versions ago.
    See the image below? its the normal cliff.

    I'll ask my friend that know how to make tiles to help us.
    Bro, I remade the terrain and its almost done, I only have one thing to request, can you find someone to make a custom cliff tile that will fit on the custom tiles that you're using?

    Here is a screenshot of the latest terrain, its approximately 95% done, all I need to do is to add some enviro stuffs and the cliff tile.

    I have a book about soldiers of the history, their way of living, weaponry, historical facts n such, I can only help you with ideas and such, if you need info about some units or just need more units I'm your man
    I will bring the code to work tomorrow and try to work on it. That skin is actually pretty cool btw, perhaps i can edit in a spacemarine head on that for you aswell ;)
    And you were helping pangahas too on that map of his, didn't you? I remember that the first civilization they brainstormed was a steampunk one... And actually Europe: The Art of War, as Drizz said himself, is much different from yours, after all yours bases on Age of Empires. While yours is a piece of land where you extract resources and everything, ETAoW would be like LoE, but much, much, much better. I'll play yours when I can, but this year I'm having almost to null free time... Stupid school *sigh*
    OH WAIT, I remember it now... I helped you test a beta of Age of War 1 on good ol wc3 when I was still in the wc4's team. Good times. You ended up being a brony too, right?
    Why, that's interesting... You do remember Lords of Europe, don't you? Is it any similar to yours?
    4-0 today...

    2 wins with 3 rax all in, 2 wins with 3 rax fe.

    The funniest one, was when this guy scouted an all in (1 rax 1 sd wall off), still fast expanded, and I just walked my men into his min line, while he chased me with 1 stalker, and shredded his workers lol. My marines died ofc, but I killed like 9 probes 7 minutes in. Then I pushed his main 4-5 minutes later, and said gg, so the guy got all pissed... And said "manner the fuck up" lol.
    I'm going to be gone for 1-2 days starting around 5:00 PM today.

    Check my Warhammer thread for a preview of ResidentV's terrain.
    I already tried the map some time ago, and it is pretty cool. Even though many of the systems are from godfall, it feels like you did a good job with the map in general (and very nicely done AI).
    lol, limiting special unit types is just as simple as changing number of charges on the dummy item you use for upgrading.
    Also, if i were to add training time for units, i would not use a dummy building. It is much less clunky with timers. The problem though, is adding a graphical representation of the training queue. And since there is no good way of adding this i have so far chosen to only use cooldown instead of training time.
    At the moment i just have cooldown. I couldn't find a satisfactory solution as to how they would be trained otherwise.
    But yes, you can upgrade units to give them more weapons too.
    That is what i was referring to. You will have to use custom script snippets to call the methods though, but i will add some documentation.
    Using a mix of my 3 Rax FE and 3 Rax All In, I have moved up to #5 in my division... I think I just beat a top 8 plat.
    Sure, i just have to finish it and make it a bit more customizable/user friendly. It is made in vJass.
    I've never played Zerg a single time in 1s, (maybe 2 games literally), but today, I accidentally hit search for 1v1 instead of Co-op vs Insane, and I was on Zerg lmao, I thought I was going to lose automatically... I beat a top 8 gold Protoss player with my terrible APM... I missed like 20 injects, and was on a 3 base the entire game, and people say Zerg needs buffed LMAO.


    The guy was bad IK, and I'm worse IK, but it just goes to show you have insanely imba Zerg is, where a 1 time noob can beat a skilled Protoss player.
    The no gas Triple Rax aka Triple Axe, my newly conceived opening, TvZ, and possibly TvT.

    It applies severe pressure (6-8 marines in 4-5 minutes), while still maintaining a tight economic race, with an expo drop at 5:40ish, and a bunker drop at 3-4 minutes near your enemies nat. It's turtle build designed to force your enemy out of his nat, and take map control.
    Okay, so far, I'm steam rolling golds, having some trouble with plats, I was on like a 4 game winning streak against platinums, and it gave me a god damn diamond. Dude had like 85 banes and 40 mutas on a 4 base in 18 minutes, that's after I killed his double-hatch-nat, how the fuck do you beat Zerg I mean c'mon, 300 per hatch is way imba, you can just mass them out the ass.


    My 1-1-1 nearly beat him... :(

    Tell me what I could have done better, my timing was a little late, but the extra marines proved useful.
    Eh, I already founded that Chapter, aka, Pimp Marines... And I gotta funny story for you when you get online.
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