• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • ... wait what? :D "Create champions for LoL"?
    I'm fine, 2 days of my temporary job are left, then 2 weeks of vacation.
    I'm hoping to be able to make an entry for the techtree contest in 3 days :p I'll have to make the news batch quickly I guess.
    Oh yeah I wanted to ask you, how are you finding your job as a moderator right now? :p Like not what you expected, too much work, fun, boring, etc.?
    Edit: can we import hero glow? its just for making non hero, hero units look hero-ish, I don't think i can, 'cause no imports means no imports, but incase you feel like adding another exception, it would make all non here based hero units look better.
    Yo Mr.P_! :)

    May i draw your attention to the above (techtree #6 thread), and how would you decide? It has been asked before by another contestant too.
    It's 0:24 here, won't be on much longer.

    Just going through some scripts... interested what is being used today since i left a long time ago.
    Hey Pharoah_,
    Just a quick question on the Techtree contest.
    Are you allowed to import:
    - Spells/Systems from THW, such as stuff like Bribes Unit Indexer?
    - Icons from WC3 but just with changed borders? Like making Brilliance Aura have an autocast border.
    Hey, this eerie fogthing is cool, but it doesnt change color when i adjust in the Object editor ? Why ? :?
    I love creating pics with ... units/walls/pipes/fires etc. I hate using grass/trees/rocks etc... I just have wc3 environment. But the possibilities with small gadgets are infinite. So I'll keep tryin to improve those as much as possible
    I just build one of those custom buildings u talked about xD It's way cooler. And yea. it looks much better.
    So few custom effects out there ... and nothing very plague-ish xD Someone who can model should correct that :?
    looks quite elaborate. could use som of them i supose. Btw there was a model of a simple puddle of green liquid ... here in the hive. It was an ooold model with some other doodads, now i cant find it ... u seen it ever ?
    hmm the building idea is good, I'd try to at least add things and combine existing ones, removed the disease shits, didnt like them myself. Hmm about the trees , they and some rocks/shits nd stuff are supposed to be random :? Where are those dead tree moels u speak of ? And effects on buildings are coming ofc, that's my favourite part xD Making them look alive. And snow and fogs are the end touch
    Hi man :p
    I started my own busness and opened a shop... so hadnt had much time to do anything in here xD
    Any advice how to make my terrain a bit better ? :?
    I have been somewhere? No, I don't think so.
    I'm where i've always been - In the middle of my little world.
    I've been thinking about this for a while, and I decided to ask you for your opinion. I want to help in saving the Arena from it's slow decay with my skills in organisation, motivation, persuation and managment. If you agree, I would like to completely lead a new contest to the very end. This would, in my opinion, most likely resemble of an overhaul of the Arena. If you let me lead the contest I am familiar with, along with a new type of thematic visuals and organizations, I can guarantee that you will have me completely all over the contest.
    If you are interested, we can discuss about my idea. I was thinking that we should try with the Story and Campaign contests first, since those are at the most vulnerable state right now.
    As a potential host for Techtree Contest #6, I'd like to share with you some of my proposals for it:

    a) I'd like to put the theme to a vote (in a new thread). Several themes I've been thinking about are 'Super Unit' (similar to wc3c's Ultimate Unit) or mini creep race (same limitations as Techtree #3, but with a creep theme. Warcraft IV is also a possible theme, if you could clarify the theme's boundaries more clearly.

    b) I'd like to put forward the proposed import limits to a vote too. The choices will 1, 2, none, or unlimited imports (wc3c uses the 2-import-limit rule). For map size limits, I'm thinking 1mb if we voted 'unlimited imports', otherwise I'd set it 500kb.

    c) I've been looking into dynamic vote systems and frankly (1) I don't understand it and (2) those systems aren't perfect, so I'm going with 70% judging and 30% poll.

    Let me know what you think, I'd like to post something within the next 24 hours
    I've been fine. Just a lot of studying recently. Haven't modded in a while because Warcraft III installation doesn't work on mac osx 10.7, but if I get boot camp working I'll probably be able to mod a bit more. How have you been?
    i know = w = im trying at least, so i removed the spell from Hive and im going to study MUI more and fix it and post it, that spell was made before i even knew what MUI was so i know i need alot of work, thanks for the links btw im reading them and trying to fix my triggers
    Yo, Mr. Egypt. What's the plan with Techtree #6? I'm available if you need a hand :p So if you're thinking of joining I could take over the organizing of this edition; although if its judging then I'm not available :p

    I'm feeling like participating too.. had a this urge coming a long time already. So all I see that's left to do now is to get an announcement that the contest is about to start, to drum up a bit of interest maybe?
    looking forward to this contest, itching to get started, also advertisement is an issue atm, i think that's why people aren't talking too much on the thread

    perhaps we could get it started soon and spread it around?
    i fixed up the assassins skill set that you rated, so if you could check it out again that would be awesome thanks
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