• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • This Friday, if you have any new spells, put them in a Paste-bin and I'll optimize them :D

    You can also request system writes too :p
    The Save/Load thing is going to be written using Game-cache for simplicity, but we can still make an interface for it :D

    There could be a Save button, a Load Button, and before you Load, we could automatically get the data from the Game-cache, so we can tell the player what he's going to load :D
    If there's nothing, it would say "No Data Found."

    I might make it a public resource too just to encourage myself to finish it faster =P

    Does that sound like a good idea? :D
    Here is my project:
    Diablo AoS Beta v0.98
    Can you plz host it on the WC3 Hosted Projects? As I see it has all the requirements.
    You tell me to act more professional, but how could I resist such wonderful candies?

    I'm holding so far, please DO SOMETHING BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF AHGRHGG
    Acting professional implies I'm a mod, I get underwhelmed by that :v
    I forgot the 2 links (THW Icon link) and (wowwiki link) can you send them to my profile?
    I am okay, too, i have just recovered from cold. So i am still at home, but, luckily, i am better now.
    Hmm, hive was down for me nearly all day. Gonna give you the test map with the models tomorrow, as I'm on with my phone right now.
    Hopefully hive works tomorrow too ^_^
    Nice you
    SotP has many fan and more than 2000 Download!!
    Well, Maghteridon must be quickly coding that :/

    Jeah sorry, I was way too lazy the last days I must admit, and I've done more outside then inside home :O
    Anyway, I'm going to send you the model where the wizard is singing today in the evening, the other model where he plays guitar (if you need that to) tomorrow evening :)

    And the idea with the gallery is great, I'll see.
    Yo. :D
    I'd be glad to give a few item suggestions for SotP. :D
    Any a few suggestions on anything else you might need. :D
    That's all. :)
    Having fun is the most important thing there is :)
    And it seems like it's going pretty well with your studies.

    I'm not a fancy-clothes person myself xD
    I work and save all my money, then my sister takes me out to go shopping and I spend like 400 euros in one day on clothes. That happens about once a year :D
    So in general it's not that much, I just spend it all at once (though I still have a lot more money saved up that way).
    I don't like shopping :mad:

    And no worries: one day you'll find yourself a nice GF :)
    I'm doing pretty fine right now. Decided to quit regular school, which - at the moment - seems like something I should've done a lot earlier. Too much time wasted on trivial stuff that I saw no purpose in.
    Still no plans for the future though :(

    How are you? :)
    Your history is interesting for me as for a writer)
    and i have some suggestions that i've already posted. i don't have much time for this 'cos i have a project on my own and i'm OaD2 tester, but i'll do anything i can for supporting you)
    I just noticed I'm the one who gave you 1337 rep. Sweet :)
    This isn't a sign that I'm back by the way, I just wanted to check out your map and see how much you've improved ^^

    Keep being awesome like that.
    It is balanced,According to how many player each player gets an amount of gold.ie if theres 1 player u get more gold for kills and every set time then if theres 8 players.The game is difficualt because most game experts find well find games too easy,so i mad it a bit of a challenge.Once the wave reaches 30 the cycle repeats but the enemy units become stronger and faster.Hence the faster u come plet the game the easyer it is.but if u spend alot of time leveling up ur hero u are provideed with more if a challenge so that ur level up doesnt prove to be boring and make the game to easy for u
    I dont realy care about rep.I have a terrain genius that made a map for me.I just want to know wat u thing about the raw game structure with out any pretty lights
    Your terrain is too bumpy :/
    And, is so blinded when see it. That is so really very very confused when see that terrain :(. Well, so, normalized it too. Your terrain is too dark but smooth enough.
    Well, Suprizing for you. Download this!!
    I see u left a comment on my map page.Does this mean you've played it because i would really like to know what u thought,Thanks
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